Sitting here at the foot of a MaC AWESOWe computer. In Florida for the foreseeable future. Seriously thinking of moving down here, Missing the philly tattoo convention but or a good reason. Best friend getting married and in the wedding party.
Regardless, I am a stranger in a a strangeland. Getting used to Florida and their shitty left turns sucks old man's balls. I should drive to my hotel by the airport but I have to get on the turnpike and get on 836. Bout a half hour drive. Will I make it? Or will the fucking florida state troopers pull me over. Fuck em. If they do, I assume they had a good reason. I am pretty blitzed right now.
I miss Rexx and Warning. i SHOULD SEE THEM OF THEM SOON. sorry for the caps.
Regardless, being down here is a trip and a good one. Let's see how the rest of it goes.
Regardless, I am a stranger in a a strangeland. Getting used to Florida and their shitty left turns sucks old man's balls. I should drive to my hotel by the airport but I have to get on the turnpike and get on 836. Bout a half hour drive. Will I make it? Or will the fucking florida state troopers pull me over. Fuck em. If they do, I assume they had a good reason. I am pretty blitzed right now.
I miss Rexx and Warning. i SHOULD SEE THEM OF THEM SOON. sorry for the caps.
Regardless, being down here is a trip and a good one. Let's see how the rest of it goes.