March 30th was the last time I updated. Are you kidding me. I could have sworn I posted at least two entries. I do blog and write in miscellaneous places its simply an error of the mind.
Don't even know where to begin since I last left off. Been getting out more and attempting this socializing thing with surprising results. Have come back into contact with some good friends from the past. It's crazy to think that there was a point when everyone knew everyone else and were all cool with each other. Some people don't mesh well together and before you know it everyone is spattered about like a port a potty at ozzfest.
I don't believe in choosing sides and holding other people's grudges. Unless its some fucked up shit then yeah but otherwise, that shit is between them and not me.
June has been the most memorable month so far. Trying to take advantage of my first summer in pretty much my twenties. The beach is calling, I haven't stepped on its' sands in about seven years now. It'll be nice to say hello again. Been to some shows and going to others soon. Money of course is scarce but this is the starving artist era so it is to be expected.
Fucking July is here already. July 4th weekend to be exact. I've always been on the fence about July 4th, Ive had my share of good ones and bad ones. It also comes down to the company that you keep. I came to the realization that most of the people that I really get along with are so far away. No vacation time in sight, which is fine because I can save up some scratch before anything.
Lost in a state of perpetual fuckery...
There's something I want to comment on or at least get out of my system but I can't just yet. It's like talking to your pitcher when he's in the middle of a pitching a don't want to fuck it up. So that being said, once the dust settles and it ends or continues. I can finally get it out of my system.
I don't know if any of this makes sense or not but the train has derailed.
Until next time whoever you are that reads this..
Don't even know where to begin since I last left off. Been getting out more and attempting this socializing thing with surprising results. Have come back into contact with some good friends from the past. It's crazy to think that there was a point when everyone knew everyone else and were all cool with each other. Some people don't mesh well together and before you know it everyone is spattered about like a port a potty at ozzfest.
I don't believe in choosing sides and holding other people's grudges. Unless its some fucked up shit then yeah but otherwise, that shit is between them and not me.
June has been the most memorable month so far. Trying to take advantage of my first summer in pretty much my twenties. The beach is calling, I haven't stepped on its' sands in about seven years now. It'll be nice to say hello again. Been to some shows and going to others soon. Money of course is scarce but this is the starving artist era so it is to be expected.
Fucking July is here already. July 4th weekend to be exact. I've always been on the fence about July 4th, Ive had my share of good ones and bad ones. It also comes down to the company that you keep. I came to the realization that most of the people that I really get along with are so far away. No vacation time in sight, which is fine because I can save up some scratch before anything.
Lost in a state of perpetual fuckery...
There's something I want to comment on or at least get out of my system but I can't just yet. It's like talking to your pitcher when he's in the middle of a pitching a don't want to fuck it up. So that being said, once the dust settles and it ends or continues. I can finally get it out of my system.
I don't know if any of this makes sense or not but the train has derailed.
Until next time whoever you are that reads this..
a lot of my friends have moved away as well, makes it worse. guess maybe its time to move as well, eh?