The meeting of the minds for better sense of the word did in fact Happen.
The Penguins beat the caps in OT quite thrilling stuff.
A friend that I haven't seen since high school came through and it def took me back. Back then it was a different time and mind set but it seemed like there wasn't a lapse of time at all between the two of us.
Funny how with everything that you go through and the experiences that build you to who and what you know at the moment , even with all that you can still come together and see eye to eye on so much.
Some video was captured and a lot of pictures were taken, just have to obtain them. Trying to remember some of the theories that were new ones to me. Of course we had to come into the topic of religion or a higher power and this guy stumbles in who lives on the second floor of my friend's place.
This guy is your definition of meat head. Means well sometimes but just a big lug. A bright construction worker orange shirt with what seemed to be a Popeye comic on it is what caught my attention the most. He looked like a walking Warhol painting. I can't believe they really sell shirts like that, I can't believe people really buy them.
Two friends in heated argument going on about being agnostic, living warhol trying to chime in. I try to play cutoff man and ask him what's he talking about and he proceeds to tell me about how we (humans) come from aliens and were originally brought here as slaves to do their bidding. I realized that as he became so passionate and full of drunken life that his entire theory played out exactly like the movie "Star Gate".
A highlight of the night, wish I could caught that on video.
A case and a sixer later and now we have been kicked out of the house because the bar room shenanigans have gotten nasty and more turbulent.
Walking in force ten Gail winds leads us in the patron saints car.
There's something about hanging out in a car that's parked, you always feel llike you should be going somewhere or at least moving. At this point, I felt like I was in a tarantino film what with the f-bombs flying and subject matter that was being discussed.
Before you know it, we make our way to the Palisades for some nature and change in scenery. I'm sure glad I brought the sixer of beer with me. I'm so used to seeing the numbers decrease as I speed down the turnpike and realize that we're going north and for the first time in the longest, I'm in the backseat looking out the window not having to worry about driving or even how to get there. It feels nice, a feeling long since forgotten. Until now.
One wrong exit and a rest area stop later we arrive at our destination. The following hours have become hazy and the rest omitted for continuity purposes. As were walking through the muddy trails and listening to my above mentioned friend piss and moan about this "15 minute hike" becoming more of an hour hike. Beers in every ones hand, we had all the makings of a shitty b horror movie.
The things I can to realize and what I hope you will see later on as I finally get the pictures. Said friend was making this hike in 3 inch Manolo Blahnik (sp?). She was a trooper, and I think they didn't make it through the journey.
Seeing the sun rise through hazy and crusted eyes, feeling the wind coming off the river, passing through your entire body. The booze has warn off and the pot has long since been gone. Sobriety peaked as the first rays of the sun showered my body with warmth and embrace. If I could have, I would've jumped off the cliff into the river below.
An escape from reality, from the monotonous routine that life holds me to, enjoying a night that only three to four years ago would have been just a regular night. I never took anything for granted, I just appreciate everything that much more now.
The ride home was bittersweet but pleasant. I think my ear drum blew out before the patron saint's back speaker did. That's going to happen when you blast "And all that could have been" by NIN as loud as fuckin possible. She was the DJ for the night, a catalyst for much conversation. The opposing side to every opinion Matt had. And well she was just beautiful. It was nice adding a new variable into the formula. Good times,
Coming home to the oil tanks and Refinery smoke stacks, the pungent sting of the sewage that strangles your nose. It was nice to be back home haha.
With it being Mom's day, I had to pull the plug and get home. Not before picking up some tasty Burger King Breakfast. Nice way to end the trip, some grease munchies.
Course a Diner was the right way to but for time purposes none of us could. My only problem with breaking dawn is that I don't want to go to sleep when the sun's already up.
No hardcore life lessons learned, nothing too heavy to digest. Just a night, being a night crawler moving around in my old skin. Being there the moment...for what it was. That's all it was.
Just a good night.
The Penguins beat the caps in OT quite thrilling stuff.
A friend that I haven't seen since high school came through and it def took me back. Back then it was a different time and mind set but it seemed like there wasn't a lapse of time at all between the two of us.
Funny how with everything that you go through and the experiences that build you to who and what you know at the moment , even with all that you can still come together and see eye to eye on so much.
Some video was captured and a lot of pictures were taken, just have to obtain them. Trying to remember some of the theories that were new ones to me. Of course we had to come into the topic of religion or a higher power and this guy stumbles in who lives on the second floor of my friend's place.
This guy is your definition of meat head. Means well sometimes but just a big lug. A bright construction worker orange shirt with what seemed to be a Popeye comic on it is what caught my attention the most. He looked like a walking Warhol painting. I can't believe they really sell shirts like that, I can't believe people really buy them.
Two friends in heated argument going on about being agnostic, living warhol trying to chime in. I try to play cutoff man and ask him what's he talking about and he proceeds to tell me about how we (humans) come from aliens and were originally brought here as slaves to do their bidding. I realized that as he became so passionate and full of drunken life that his entire theory played out exactly like the movie "Star Gate".
A highlight of the night, wish I could caught that on video.
A case and a sixer later and now we have been kicked out of the house because the bar room shenanigans have gotten nasty and more turbulent.
Walking in force ten Gail winds leads us in the patron saints car.
There's something about hanging out in a car that's parked, you always feel llike you should be going somewhere or at least moving. At this point, I felt like I was in a tarantino film what with the f-bombs flying and subject matter that was being discussed.
Before you know it, we make our way to the Palisades for some nature and change in scenery. I'm sure glad I brought the sixer of beer with me. I'm so used to seeing the numbers decrease as I speed down the turnpike and realize that we're going north and for the first time in the longest, I'm in the backseat looking out the window not having to worry about driving or even how to get there. It feels nice, a feeling long since forgotten. Until now.
One wrong exit and a rest area stop later we arrive at our destination. The following hours have become hazy and the rest omitted for continuity purposes. As were walking through the muddy trails and listening to my above mentioned friend piss and moan about this "15 minute hike" becoming more of an hour hike. Beers in every ones hand, we had all the makings of a shitty b horror movie.
The things I can to realize and what I hope you will see later on as I finally get the pictures. Said friend was making this hike in 3 inch Manolo Blahnik (sp?). She was a trooper, and I think they didn't make it through the journey.
Seeing the sun rise through hazy and crusted eyes, feeling the wind coming off the river, passing through your entire body. The booze has warn off and the pot has long since been gone. Sobriety peaked as the first rays of the sun showered my body with warmth and embrace. If I could have, I would've jumped off the cliff into the river below.
An escape from reality, from the monotonous routine that life holds me to, enjoying a night that only three to four years ago would have been just a regular night. I never took anything for granted, I just appreciate everything that much more now.
The ride home was bittersweet but pleasant. I think my ear drum blew out before the patron saint's back speaker did. That's going to happen when you blast "And all that could have been" by NIN as loud as fuckin possible. She was the DJ for the night, a catalyst for much conversation. The opposing side to every opinion Matt had. And well she was just beautiful. It was nice adding a new variable into the formula. Good times,
Coming home to the oil tanks and Refinery smoke stacks, the pungent sting of the sewage that strangles your nose. It was nice to be back home haha.
With it being Mom's day, I had to pull the plug and get home. Not before picking up some tasty Burger King Breakfast. Nice way to end the trip, some grease munchies.
Course a Diner was the right way to but for time purposes none of us could. My only problem with breaking dawn is that I don't want to go to sleep when the sun's already up.
No hardcore life lessons learned, nothing too heavy to digest. Just a night, being a night crawler moving around in my old skin. Being there the moment...for what it was. That's all it was.
Just a good night.
haha thank you! that's what i was going for.