Night like this reminded me of a time like this.....
Choppy I know, but if you get some of it, you'll get the rest of it.
It feels like a lifetime ago, having come so far since then. For better or for worse, along the way though....learned some lessons and lived through some experiences. All for the better and accepting it as it comes.
Slowing down with the speed of today is want I want to enjoy the speed that will later be achieved.
I'm really thankful for the last couple of months and people I've meet. Perspective pry's my once weighty eyes,
Good times still lie ahead and plans will actually happen. This lolli-gaggin has got to be stopped !!!
Fuck it's only weds.....sigh
I still haven't written about mexico (on here at least). Iz lazy what can I say?
Sometimes it's a good thing when the tv dies....I'm just going to miss the mets games..
Road trip....need another one. Soon enough after I get out of a slump. Rexx my dear, reading festival would be teh shits goddamnit. I'm looking into it.
If anyone of yous does some roadtrippin I'd suggest acquiring a Rexx, nothing more necessary for the following:
Choppy I know, but if you get some of it, you'll get the rest of it.
It feels like a lifetime ago, having come so far since then. For better or for worse, along the way though....learned some lessons and lived through some experiences. All for the better and accepting it as it comes.
Slowing down with the speed of today is want I want to enjoy the speed that will later be achieved.
I'm really thankful for the last couple of months and people I've meet. Perspective pry's my once weighty eyes,
Good times still lie ahead and plans will actually happen. This lolli-gaggin has got to be stopped !!!
Fuck it's only weds.....sigh
I still haven't written about mexico (on here at least). Iz lazy what can I say?
Sometimes it's a good thing when the tv dies....I'm just going to miss the mets games..
Road trip....need another one. Soon enough after I get out of a slump. Rexx my dear, reading festival would be teh shits goddamnit. I'm looking into it.
If anyone of yous does some roadtrippin I'd suggest acquiring a Rexx, nothing more necessary for the following:
1 Good fuckin dj-ing skills (can't be stopped won't be stopped)
2.Laughs....the feeling isn't even as hilarious as rexxy can be.
3.Sanity....keeps ya grounded yet is out there at the same time.
4. Good Vibes....they might as well call her Lady Luck
And so forth and so forth, I could go on but then I'd be a douche.
Nevertheless, ladies and gent.
Like the lemon to the lime
and the bumble to the bee.
Rexx is to the open road
what butter and syrup are to waffle house waffles.
Train has derailed, going to read and finish my beer. Felt good to verbally regurgitate.
blessed be