Running for the hills
or getting the hell out of dodge. Which ever you prefer.
Taking the nice, long, traffic ridden ride of the good ol' jersey turnpike to visit my cousin in south jersey.
Vast difference in people and environment compared to here and that's what I like. Except that they love the Philies. I, being a Mets fan, have to just swallow the bitter pill and keep it moving.
This year will be different (I can only hope). Enough said about that.
It was another hectic week, but hopefully it is worth something that should be coming to fruition rather soon, if the Beat Gods allow it.
That's it for now, I gots to hit the road and pay my visits to this guy
The Patron Saint of Getting Down

or getting the hell out of dodge. Which ever you prefer.
Taking the nice, long, traffic ridden ride of the good ol' jersey turnpike to visit my cousin in south jersey.
Vast difference in people and environment compared to here and that's what I like. Except that they love the Philies. I, being a Mets fan, have to just swallow the bitter pill and keep it moving.
This year will be different (I can only hope). Enough said about that.
It was another hectic week, but hopefully it is worth something that should be coming to fruition rather soon, if the Beat Gods allow it.
That's it for now, I gots to hit the road and pay my visits to this guy
The Patron Saint of Getting Down


do you think we can get weed across the mexican border? 

Gonzo eh? Fuck yeah, that's a hell of a compliment.