Well the night went alright for lack of a better word.
Badfish is a really fuckin good cover band and they blasted sublime songs spanning every album and had a good overall mix of radio hits and lesser known songs. They didn't play DJ'S which I was quite sadden over it but the show went on obviously.
The Starland Ballroom is actually a pretty good venue. The only part that was quite tricky was actually finding the road to turn off on after getting off of US Route 1.It's in the middle of nowhere but other factories and sorts so its a cool drive it.
The crowd yet again was another behavioral study into the mating rituals and social interactivity of the human race.
Was quite a site to see who would show up for the show. And as I had guessed, people from all walks of life came to have a good tme and rock out to some tunes. Everyone from your generic college kid, to the overly natural hippies, the 30-somethings who still think they're not. And the parents who brought they 7 & 8 year old kids to the show.
My stomach feels as it's eating away at itself, haven's had a decent meal in quite sometime. Mix in alittle bit of caffeine, medicine, alcohol and just overall a loss of appetite and you might know how it feels.
There's an overwhelming sense of restlessness and emptiness that consumes me completely. I don't want to sleep for I don't want to see the sun rise. For when the Sun rises, a new day is born and everything that might have meant something the night before will never mean as much as in that moment.
Everything looks and feels better in the night. I find tranquility and solace in the evening hours, sitting in my car listening to the ambiance which is naturally provided by the electric humming in the air, the trains that slowly pass through on unknown points of origins and shakes my cup of tea even though I am two blocks away from the tracks.
It's not soo much not want to live another day, but never wanting to let go of the night and its endless possibilities. I remember when it was midnight and I thought to myself "it's only midnight...I have a whole night ahead of me"
Now it's more like " Oh fuck it's midnight!!! I need to get some sleep".
Life....in all its eccentricities...has made things so that I can't enjoy the night as I once did. I have become a resident alien in a land where I was once a citizen. I tell myself that "this too shall pass". But what and when will it pass?
Its been quite a long weekend, up more hours then down. I feel it now...as I will when I wake to begin another week and as I sit in my chair spinning in circles....looking over the monitor at my Beatles abbey road poster...at Ringo's flowy hair and Paul walking with no shoes on whilst smoking a cigarette over to the pictures of sunsets and and other sky captures from various lands that I once walked upon...I think to myself.....
If there was any place that I could be at right now if given the chance...it would be on the throne of a drum set built to my desires with all the bells and whistle inside of a soundproof room which would be stocked with a coffee machine, gallons of water cartons of cigarettes nature 's valley granola bars and fuckin dunkaroos and to be left in peace for as long as I saw fit.
A single bar, a certain chord...any timing you like..can say more then what I can imagine to speak or write and type. If I went mad and the only way for me to remain calm would be to play some kind of instrument I would find peace.
I still remember when my sister lived at home and she would actually be home, our rooms were connected sharing only a thin wall and glass door. I would sit and play my saxophone for hours...but she always wanted me to play amazing grace..out of everything that I could that would be her favorite.
Elongate that note right there....switch to the minor instead of the major. My knuckles becoming sore but I just wanted to go for a little longer...my mind was moving faster then my fingers but I loved playing whatever I chose to play. After practicing my book, I tossed it to the side and just played and played. (This was before I came across bee-bop and various other forms of jazz) I thought I was onto something revolutionary...it felt good....and I miss that.
I amgrateful everyday for music and being able to hear it..a soundtrack to my life...a narrator at times when I can't find the words....Go baby Go!!!!
Badfish is a really fuckin good cover band and they blasted sublime songs spanning every album and had a good overall mix of radio hits and lesser known songs. They didn't play DJ'S which I was quite sadden over it but the show went on obviously.
The Starland Ballroom is actually a pretty good venue. The only part that was quite tricky was actually finding the road to turn off on after getting off of US Route 1.It's in the middle of nowhere but other factories and sorts so its a cool drive it.
The crowd yet again was another behavioral study into the mating rituals and social interactivity of the human race.
Was quite a site to see who would show up for the show. And as I had guessed, people from all walks of life came to have a good tme and rock out to some tunes. Everyone from your generic college kid, to the overly natural hippies, the 30-somethings who still think they're not. And the parents who brought they 7 & 8 year old kids to the show.
My stomach feels as it's eating away at itself, haven's had a decent meal in quite sometime. Mix in alittle bit of caffeine, medicine, alcohol and just overall a loss of appetite and you might know how it feels.
There's an overwhelming sense of restlessness and emptiness that consumes me completely. I don't want to sleep for I don't want to see the sun rise. For when the Sun rises, a new day is born and everything that might have meant something the night before will never mean as much as in that moment.
Everything looks and feels better in the night. I find tranquility and solace in the evening hours, sitting in my car listening to the ambiance which is naturally provided by the electric humming in the air, the trains that slowly pass through on unknown points of origins and shakes my cup of tea even though I am two blocks away from the tracks.
It's not soo much not want to live another day, but never wanting to let go of the night and its endless possibilities. I remember when it was midnight and I thought to myself "it's only midnight...I have a whole night ahead of me"
Now it's more like " Oh fuck it's midnight!!! I need to get some sleep".
Life....in all its eccentricities...has made things so that I can't enjoy the night as I once did. I have become a resident alien in a land where I was once a citizen. I tell myself that "this too shall pass". But what and when will it pass?
Its been quite a long weekend, up more hours then down. I feel it now...as I will when I wake to begin another week and as I sit in my chair spinning in circles....looking over the monitor at my Beatles abbey road poster...at Ringo's flowy hair and Paul walking with no shoes on whilst smoking a cigarette over to the pictures of sunsets and and other sky captures from various lands that I once walked upon...I think to myself.....

If there was any place that I could be at right now if given the chance...it would be on the throne of a drum set built to my desires with all the bells and whistle inside of a soundproof room which would be stocked with a coffee machine, gallons of water cartons of cigarettes nature 's valley granola bars and fuckin dunkaroos and to be left in peace for as long as I saw fit.
A single bar, a certain chord...any timing you like..can say more then what I can imagine to speak or write and type. If I went mad and the only way for me to remain calm would be to play some kind of instrument I would find peace.
I still remember when my sister lived at home and she would actually be home, our rooms were connected sharing only a thin wall and glass door. I would sit and play my saxophone for hours...but she always wanted me to play amazing grace..out of everything that I could that would be her favorite.
Elongate that note right there....switch to the minor instead of the major. My knuckles becoming sore but I just wanted to go for a little longer...my mind was moving faster then my fingers but I loved playing whatever I chose to play. After practicing my book, I tossed it to the side and just played and played. (This was before I came across bee-bop and various other forms of jazz) I thought I was onto something revolutionary...it felt good....and I miss that.
I amgrateful everyday for music and being able to hear it..a soundtrack to my life...a narrator at times when I can't find the words....Go baby Go!!!!
epic quote.
i can help you out with the dunkaroos... i still have seven boxes.
"There's an overwhelming sense of restlessness and emptiness that consumes me completely. I don't want to sleep for I don't want to see the sun rise. "
funny. i don't want to sleep because i WANT to see the sun rise. with the same feelings of the night. i realize that i never sleep intentionally. its only an interruption to my brain. its like when you are reading a book and you realize you just went through five pages and didn't take in a single thing. the words went in your eyes and our your ass. what the hell happened for those five pages? useless thoughts, worries of the subconscious, which i have decided is the plague of modern society (these thoughts and worries being the equivalent of dreams, most likely fucked up. or simply deep sleep, but what is that? ) now you have to go back and read those five pages all over again....when you wake up.
thats pretty much how i feel about sleeping.