Ahhhh Saturday Night....have a strange about tonight.
Could be feelings carried over from last night, or just a hunch. Either way, I'll take the cards that were dealt to me and make due.
Seeing Badfish-the SUBLIME! cover band tonight. From what I hear they're pretty spot on and the way I'm seeing it is as some sort of religious gathering... If Bob Marley's music promoted love, peace and happiness then I feel the same way about Sublime's message. Not completely the same but you get my drift.
I need some uplifting good ol fashion Skunk right about now. And some pit time!!!! Try to limit the drinks and various other substances which might be up for consumption. They're not sitting well with the psyche at the moment.
Last night was a a bittersweet beginning to the weekend. Let the ride continue.
I also learned last night that if all else fails, at the end of the night you can fall back on a Martin Scorese flick and redeem the night. Last Night (more like this morning) I saw The Aviator again for the first time in a few years. Solid movie....call it crazy, but there were things about Howard Hughes that I could relate with...it's frightening. Not the being rich and powerful part.
And lastly before I go because I'm late as all hell.
I realized last night as I sat there and watched the American Version of The Office how much I enjoyed it aside for the acting but also because I know can actually say that I relate to some of the stuff that goes on in the show. While as funny as that might be I'm overwhelmingly frightened and perplexed as to what that has to say about what life has become. Fuck man....never thought I'd see the day....hahahaha Life is a Gas.
I'm late to pick up a friend then drive to lord knows well to pick up a friend of a friend who hates my guts. This should be make an excellent evening.
Updates to come.
Also Rexx is an ultra sexy, highly intelligent, downright fuckin awesome gal and a hell of a SG.
I suggest you or anyone who reads this to check her out and her sets....
Just spreadin the love is all.
Could be feelings carried over from last night, or just a hunch. Either way, I'll take the cards that were dealt to me and make due.
Seeing Badfish-the SUBLIME! cover band tonight. From what I hear they're pretty spot on and the way I'm seeing it is as some sort of religious gathering... If Bob Marley's music promoted love, peace and happiness then I feel the same way about Sublime's message. Not completely the same but you get my drift.
I need some uplifting good ol fashion Skunk right about now. And some pit time!!!! Try to limit the drinks and various other substances which might be up for consumption. They're not sitting well with the psyche at the moment.
Last night was a a bittersweet beginning to the weekend. Let the ride continue.
I also learned last night that if all else fails, at the end of the night you can fall back on a Martin Scorese flick and redeem the night. Last Night (more like this morning) I saw The Aviator again for the first time in a few years. Solid movie....call it crazy, but there were things about Howard Hughes that I could relate with...it's frightening. Not the being rich and powerful part.
And lastly before I go because I'm late as all hell.
I realized last night as I sat there and watched the American Version of The Office how much I enjoyed it aside for the acting but also because I know can actually say that I relate to some of the stuff that goes on in the show. While as funny as that might be I'm overwhelmingly frightened and perplexed as to what that has to say about what life has become. Fuck man....never thought I'd see the day....hahahaha Life is a Gas.
I'm late to pick up a friend then drive to lord knows well to pick up a friend of a friend who hates my guts. This should be make an excellent evening.
Updates to come.
Also Rexx is an ultra sexy, highly intelligent, downright fuckin awesome gal and a hell of a SG.
I suggest you or anyone who reads this to check her out and her sets....
Just spreadin the love is all.