I was planning on drinking tonight anyways but watching the fashion in which the mets lost just kicked it into another gear....what can I say...typical for the mets? just another that got away? It's only baseball.
Luckily, "Aliens" is on so it gives me something to watch although I've seen this fuckin movie well over a 100x.
Anyways, it's been past two months since my last post. Not that I haven't been on the site, but I usually only have time to post quick comments and maybe get on one of the group boards. Every time I get an idea or something I want to write down, by the time I get the chance to to post an entry the idea has long since eluded me.
One thing I haven been meaning to put on here is a recollection of my first nine inch nails concert which made it's 3 yr anniversary on 05/15/2008. Course that never happened so I'm doing it now.
So here it goes, if you actually get through all of it thank you.
"No sir....I don't like it"
Hey ya'lls out there.....just wanted to first say sorry for not being around and updating this thing.
It was all last minute really, checking ticket prices out on eBay, bidding here and there. Always losing the bid by just a couple bucks. So I found this ticket that had a buy now option, completely disregarding the price of the ticket I said "fuck it" and bought it. Sure....I have bills that are piling up, there are things that money could have went to.. but all of that isn't going anywhere, nin was. So moving along, fast forward to that Sunday. Took the train in from Elizabeth to Penn station. Kimmy had flown in from Florida for the show, so I was quite nervous to see her since I hadn't seen her in over a year. As I spotted her in the line, it was like old times again. Seeing her familiar face, it took me back to those better days , the days of old where things were still good. Doors were to open at 6:30....it was about noon....so u can imagine my excitement to wait 6 hrs online just to get in.
But I've been in worse situations, 12 hours in the freezing cold to meet nine inch nails, 12 hours in the rain at field day fest to be up front for Radiohead. 6 hours was nothing. The other thing that got to me which I knew was coming was the crowd. Walking down the street alongside the crowd waiting for the show was like walking into a hot topic show if they had a runway. Fuckin goths here and there, and not even that I have something against goths, I don't, But these were just kids who ran sacked hot topic and claimed they were always like that. It was an odd crowd as well. I just felt under dressed. I don't think I wore enough black. I was thinking about going in cut off cargo pants, doc martins, and covered in flour. But I didn't want to be that guy.
Moving along, we finally get in, and the first thing I do is buy one of the limited edition lithograph posters they sell for each show. I wish I hadn't done that. For those of u that have been to Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC. U know how the setup is. The setup wasn't any different, except for the fact that the stage was in more, I guess they did this to allow more meatheads to be on the floor. So the Dresden Dolls were up first. They have a real basic setup, a drum set and a keyboard. The chick plays the keyboard and this dood plays the drums. He can wail on that set though, I had to give it to the fucker. And their get up is dressing up like mimes or something. Least the dood was dressed up like one. Their music is different, I can't really describe it. but it works for them. Her vocals were excellent and the drums were insane. They even covered War Pigs by Black Sabbath. And to tell u the truth it was one of the best version I have ever heard. One of their last songs was a cover of Radiohead's "Karma Police" in which Jerome Dillion of NIN came out and played drums. Seeing Jerome come out was a slap in the face, reminding me that in about 45 mins NIN was going to be on stage.
Now I don't know if its me or what. But I always always get stuck to the wrong people in the mosh pit. Its prolly my height handicap as well come to think of it. Out of all the artsy, gothy, indie poeple that infested the crowd, I have to get stuck with the middle aged testosterone filled, alcohol fueled, fuckin long island meathead. These are the types that scream out random shit, usually yap through someones performance, try to fuck someone up in the mosh pit rather then just have fun. Just basically a fuckin asshole.
Seeing as this was a NIN show, and I was on the floor. I was preparing for the worst, for I have heard of the horror stories of a NIN moshpit. Leave it up to me to buy the poster early and have it in the mosh pot. I thought it'd be alright since I had it in a poster tube. As time draws closer, the crowd is getting louder and the space is become tighter. As I stood there, and looked at the desolate stage, looking over at the keyboard setup, the enormous guitar rack that housed like ten guitars. There were these weird christmas light fixtures to the right of jerome and jordie. In the back, there were rows of flourescent lights. Standard looking but at the same time not.
I'm standing there, completely smothered and suffocated, realizing just exactly whats going to happen and where I'm at. To my left, I look over at Kim. And I thought back to years ago, when we should have been at that show at Madison Square Garden back on 5/9/2000. I thought back about all the memories, everything I went through. How many times I imagined how it would be to see NIN and there I was, right in front, looking at the mic stand that Trent reznor would occupy very soon.
It happened quite soon, the house music was still playing, but in the background, I thought I heard Pinion. So I tried listening harder above all the voices and I was right. The lights started dimming, there was a lightning effect happening and pinion started getting louder. I said my prayers, I braced myself for the oncoming battle. The flashes from the cameras were like a blitzkrieg war from out of the past, silhouettes of band members were making their way across the stage. The whole time, pinion is still playing louder and louder. Then silence.
BOOM the lights go on and they start playing WISH. I couldn't believe they started off the show with that song, but I wasn't going to complain. The second the first note was struck the crowd started up and hence my fight for survival began. After Wish, they went into Sin, it was too good to be true. I looked at every band member, I saw how connected they were, I looked at Trent, and saw the change in him, how he was happy to be back out there playing in front of the crowd again. There were times when it was god awful in the pit, Completely dehydrated, way beyond hot, on the verge of passing out, I kept on. Nothing but death was going to remove me from the spot I had in the crowd. They played everything I could have wanted them to play. During closer, the crowd barely sang along and I was so happy for that. I wish I could have said the same about Hurt, but that one is kinda of a given.
The track that caught me off guard was "something I can never have". I was two seconds away from shitting my pants because they don't usually play that one live anymore so I guess I lucked out. I've been to alot of shows, but this one was completely on a level all its own. To finally see NIN live, to see the music that I've listened to for soo long being created live in front of my eyes, there just aren't any words to completely explain the feeling. I thought the live dvd caught them completely, but being there at the show, I realized its like trying to capture lightning in a bottle. The dvd still kicks ass though don't get me wrong.
Trent behaved himself this time around, gone are the days of him beating on his fellow band members. Gone, are the days of instruments being trashed . He's more into performing now, more docile if I can say that. The ONly destruction came at the end when he threw his guitar in the air and thats about it. The lighting effects were amazing as to be expected from Trent. Especially during reptile, march of the pigs, closer.
As horrible as the pit was, I never stopped fighting and pushing. Covered in sweat and completely exhausted, I felt as if I had reached a stage of Catharsis, I had gotten all my anger and frustration out. And as fast as it started it was over... the stage yet again empty and quiet as the strobes went off and slowly faded away.
So eventually I met up with kim and donnie again , walked them to the path station, said my good-byes and went on my way back to penn station. I don't know when I'll see Kim again, but it was great the time I did spend with her and we kept our promise to each other. We had finally seen NIN live. I had to wait around penn station for about 45 mins, sitting there on the floor, watching people walk by from all different walks of life., just made me think about how it never ends. I finally got on the train, and kept thinking about how in just a few hours from then, I'd be under the knife and in a great deal of pain. But it was alright, cuz I was there, and no one could take that away from me. If I could, I would spend the money again and do it all over cuz it was worth every penny.I wish they would have played more off the fragile but hey...can't complain. And as for the poster......the tube got owned and one side was ruined...kim took a picture, I'll try to get the pic.
Here's the setlist thanx for reading
Nine Inch Nails 5/15/2005 Hammerstein Ballroom
Pinion intro
1. Wish
2. Sin
3. Lines Begin to Blur
4. March of the Pigs (prayed for me life)
5. Something I Can Never Have
6. The Hand That Feeds
7. Terrible Lie
8. The Collector
9. Closer
10. Home
11. Burn (everybody went bananas on this one)
12. Reptile
13. Suck
14. Even Deeper
15. Love is Not Enough
16. Gave Up
17. Hurt
18. Getting Smaller (brought the fuckin house down)
19. Starfuckers
20. Head Like a Hole (Insane way to end the show)
So if you read all that I thank you honestly,
In reality, I'm going insane...as in all work and no play makes zepp a dull boy. And it's getting to the point where I will have an "episode" and do something crazy. I'm burning the candle at both ends with no end in sight (for the near future that is) so basically, I need a vacation . To get up and get the fuck out of Jersey.
If anyone out there has any suggestions, whether from personal experience or where they would like to go let me know please. And if anyone would want to hang out that'd be awesome too. I need to expand my circle or friends and live more...because I'm not doing enough of that.
One more day and then the 3 day weekend....I can't believe I'm a weekend warrior...workin for the weekend. Such as life...Have a happy 4th if anyone cares enough. See ya'lls on the flip-side
Luckily, "Aliens" is on so it gives me something to watch although I've seen this fuckin movie well over a 100x.
Anyways, it's been past two months since my last post. Not that I haven't been on the site, but I usually only have time to post quick comments and maybe get on one of the group boards. Every time I get an idea or something I want to write down, by the time I get the chance to to post an entry the idea has long since eluded me.
One thing I haven been meaning to put on here is a recollection of my first nine inch nails concert which made it's 3 yr anniversary on 05/15/2008. Course that never happened so I'm doing it now.
So here it goes, if you actually get through all of it thank you.
"No sir....I don't like it"
Hey ya'lls out there.....just wanted to first say sorry for not being around and updating this thing.
It was all last minute really, checking ticket prices out on eBay, bidding here and there. Always losing the bid by just a couple bucks. So I found this ticket that had a buy now option, completely disregarding the price of the ticket I said "fuck it" and bought it. Sure....I have bills that are piling up, there are things that money could have went to.. but all of that isn't going anywhere, nin was. So moving along, fast forward to that Sunday. Took the train in from Elizabeth to Penn station. Kimmy had flown in from Florida for the show, so I was quite nervous to see her since I hadn't seen her in over a year. As I spotted her in the line, it was like old times again. Seeing her familiar face, it took me back to those better days , the days of old where things were still good. Doors were to open at 6:30....it was about noon....so u can imagine my excitement to wait 6 hrs online just to get in.
But I've been in worse situations, 12 hours in the freezing cold to meet nine inch nails, 12 hours in the rain at field day fest to be up front for Radiohead. 6 hours was nothing. The other thing that got to me which I knew was coming was the crowd. Walking down the street alongside the crowd waiting for the show was like walking into a hot topic show if they had a runway. Fuckin goths here and there, and not even that I have something against goths, I don't, But these were just kids who ran sacked hot topic and claimed they were always like that. It was an odd crowd as well. I just felt under dressed. I don't think I wore enough black. I was thinking about going in cut off cargo pants, doc martins, and covered in flour. But I didn't want to be that guy.
Moving along, we finally get in, and the first thing I do is buy one of the limited edition lithograph posters they sell for each show. I wish I hadn't done that. For those of u that have been to Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC. U know how the setup is. The setup wasn't any different, except for the fact that the stage was in more, I guess they did this to allow more meatheads to be on the floor. So the Dresden Dolls were up first. They have a real basic setup, a drum set and a keyboard. The chick plays the keyboard and this dood plays the drums. He can wail on that set though, I had to give it to the fucker. And their get up is dressing up like mimes or something. Least the dood was dressed up like one. Their music is different, I can't really describe it. but it works for them. Her vocals were excellent and the drums were insane. They even covered War Pigs by Black Sabbath. And to tell u the truth it was one of the best version I have ever heard. One of their last songs was a cover of Radiohead's "Karma Police" in which Jerome Dillion of NIN came out and played drums. Seeing Jerome come out was a slap in the face, reminding me that in about 45 mins NIN was going to be on stage.
Now I don't know if its me or what. But I always always get stuck to the wrong people in the mosh pit. Its prolly my height handicap as well come to think of it. Out of all the artsy, gothy, indie poeple that infested the crowd, I have to get stuck with the middle aged testosterone filled, alcohol fueled, fuckin long island meathead. These are the types that scream out random shit, usually yap through someones performance, try to fuck someone up in the mosh pit rather then just have fun. Just basically a fuckin asshole.
Seeing as this was a NIN show, and I was on the floor. I was preparing for the worst, for I have heard of the horror stories of a NIN moshpit. Leave it up to me to buy the poster early and have it in the mosh pot. I thought it'd be alright since I had it in a poster tube. As time draws closer, the crowd is getting louder and the space is become tighter. As I stood there, and looked at the desolate stage, looking over at the keyboard setup, the enormous guitar rack that housed like ten guitars. There were these weird christmas light fixtures to the right of jerome and jordie. In the back, there were rows of flourescent lights. Standard looking but at the same time not.
I'm standing there, completely smothered and suffocated, realizing just exactly whats going to happen and where I'm at. To my left, I look over at Kim. And I thought back to years ago, when we should have been at that show at Madison Square Garden back on 5/9/2000. I thought back about all the memories, everything I went through. How many times I imagined how it would be to see NIN and there I was, right in front, looking at the mic stand that Trent reznor would occupy very soon.
It happened quite soon, the house music was still playing, but in the background, I thought I heard Pinion. So I tried listening harder above all the voices and I was right. The lights started dimming, there was a lightning effect happening and pinion started getting louder. I said my prayers, I braced myself for the oncoming battle. The flashes from the cameras were like a blitzkrieg war from out of the past, silhouettes of band members were making their way across the stage. The whole time, pinion is still playing louder and louder. Then silence.
BOOM the lights go on and they start playing WISH. I couldn't believe they started off the show with that song, but I wasn't going to complain. The second the first note was struck the crowd started up and hence my fight for survival began. After Wish, they went into Sin, it was too good to be true. I looked at every band member, I saw how connected they were, I looked at Trent, and saw the change in him, how he was happy to be back out there playing in front of the crowd again. There were times when it was god awful in the pit, Completely dehydrated, way beyond hot, on the verge of passing out, I kept on. Nothing but death was going to remove me from the spot I had in the crowd. They played everything I could have wanted them to play. During closer, the crowd barely sang along and I was so happy for that. I wish I could have said the same about Hurt, but that one is kinda of a given.
The track that caught me off guard was "something I can never have". I was two seconds away from shitting my pants because they don't usually play that one live anymore so I guess I lucked out. I've been to alot of shows, but this one was completely on a level all its own. To finally see NIN live, to see the music that I've listened to for soo long being created live in front of my eyes, there just aren't any words to completely explain the feeling. I thought the live dvd caught them completely, but being there at the show, I realized its like trying to capture lightning in a bottle. The dvd still kicks ass though don't get me wrong.
Trent behaved himself this time around, gone are the days of him beating on his fellow band members. Gone, are the days of instruments being trashed . He's more into performing now, more docile if I can say that. The ONly destruction came at the end when he threw his guitar in the air and thats about it. The lighting effects were amazing as to be expected from Trent. Especially during reptile, march of the pigs, closer.
As horrible as the pit was, I never stopped fighting and pushing. Covered in sweat and completely exhausted, I felt as if I had reached a stage of Catharsis, I had gotten all my anger and frustration out. And as fast as it started it was over... the stage yet again empty and quiet as the strobes went off and slowly faded away.
So eventually I met up with kim and donnie again , walked them to the path station, said my good-byes and went on my way back to penn station. I don't know when I'll see Kim again, but it was great the time I did spend with her and we kept our promise to each other. We had finally seen NIN live. I had to wait around penn station for about 45 mins, sitting there on the floor, watching people walk by from all different walks of life., just made me think about how it never ends. I finally got on the train, and kept thinking about how in just a few hours from then, I'd be under the knife and in a great deal of pain. But it was alright, cuz I was there, and no one could take that away from me. If I could, I would spend the money again and do it all over cuz it was worth every penny.I wish they would have played more off the fragile but hey...can't complain. And as for the poster......the tube got owned and one side was ruined...kim took a picture, I'll try to get the pic.
Here's the setlist thanx for reading
Nine Inch Nails 5/15/2005 Hammerstein Ballroom
Pinion intro
1. Wish
2. Sin
3. Lines Begin to Blur
4. March of the Pigs (prayed for me life)
5. Something I Can Never Have
6. The Hand That Feeds
7. Terrible Lie
8. The Collector
9. Closer
10. Home
11. Burn (everybody went bananas on this one)
12. Reptile
13. Suck
14. Even Deeper
15. Love is Not Enough
16. Gave Up
17. Hurt
18. Getting Smaller (brought the fuckin house down)
19. Starfuckers
20. Head Like a Hole (Insane way to end the show)
So if you read all that I thank you honestly,
In reality, I'm going insane...as in all work and no play makes zepp a dull boy. And it's getting to the point where I will have an "episode" and do something crazy. I'm burning the candle at both ends with no end in sight (for the near future that is) so basically, I need a vacation . To get up and get the fuck out of Jersey.
If anyone out there has any suggestions, whether from personal experience or where they would like to go let me know please. And if anyone would want to hang out that'd be awesome too. I need to expand my circle or friends and live more...because I'm not doing enough of that.
One more day and then the 3 day weekend....I can't believe I'm a weekend warrior...workin for the weekend. Such as life...Have a happy 4th if anyone cares enough. See ya'lls on the flip-side
needed to be louder.
i have a pre-sale tkt for mohegan and i was gonna rock the day game at shea, roll to mohegan and then go see my bro and his kids who live near bristol, ct. the next day
however, it's like a minimum $2k swing between flights, hotel,
money i wouldn't make at work, etc...
there's no words for how pissed i am to not be able to do it. but it's my own fkn fault for not controlling my $ while the economy is nicely spinning out of control.
i'm trying to set myself up for at least coming out for the last homestand late sept. to get a game or 2 at shea before it's gone. i usually make a shea visit every year.
anyways, nin in seattle was a good getaway and now it's back to the grind and then some.
the gangsta's are 'on and poppin' in queens. they just better not crush my soul again!