Now that's that out of the way, I will attempt to put in the best damn entry I can in the 20 some odd mins I have before I have to get dressed for work and then actually drive my ass there.
It's one thing to get up at the ass crack of dawn to go to a job and sit there for 8 hrs...sit through an hour plus drive home....and then pick myself up again to go to another job. It's literally killing me (not the booze..nor the smokes...and perhaps all the other vices I have) but yes...the job(s) is killing me.
I have no life....I hate seeing someone I haven't seen in the longest. And the typical ? comes, " what have you been up too?" And it's always followed by the same response......." working....working...sleep...then repeat process over again."
Work that we do is work that we do is work that we do.
In NIN related news- A new album has dropped (Ghosts vol. I-IV), tour dates have been posted...more to come and they have just released a new "single" to be downloaded at the nin website.
Link is here---->SINGLE NIN NEW DOWNLOAD :-o HERE NOW...GO GO GO !!!
Spring is finally starting to break-through Old man Winter's long johns. It was def something else to wake up in the morning and need a coat in April it's normally a bit nipply but never enough for a coat. Just walking outside you can feel the season arriving. I can at least. I don't know if it's just all the pollen and things or the sort. But seasons have a distinct smell and feel to them.
things that have changed lately...Price of gas is seriously fuckin everyone in their wallet and pie-hole currently $3.25 and rising. Other states have it worse, so I've heard so I'll stop bitchin there.
Pollution is finally starting to be felt by everyone and media sources are finally starting to wake up and air commercials with politicians having a truce and smiling with shit eating grins begging people to try to be more "green" and earth conscious. Yet, there are the same yokels that were passing laws for oil dwelling and various non friendly environmentally "green" causes. Everywhere you look, everything now is better for the environment or so they say.
Everything now is germ conscious and all these products that are various forms of sanitizers. What the fuck happened to just get dirty and dealing with it and letting your body fight the germs it needs to fucking build up something that we all need ala fucking an immune system?
George Carlin once said something along the lines of " if you grow up in're immune to shit". I couldn't' agree more with the man.
All this effort is great and it;s about time...but I get the eerie feeling like it may be too late and the course we've set we cannot change. "Ya gotta believe right?" I seriously need a anyone that may read this at some point (which I thank you for right now) please offer your suggestions....cities..states...need some place to go...a week or maybe alil more.. Please please for Joe Pesci's sake give me some suggestions...if anyone would want to hang out that'd be great as well...but let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet right?
My time is up...pencils are down...I leave you on that back whenever....
new nin single is pretty damn good...pretty catchy...makes me want to have hardcore skippy hop to it sex...
These people should be forced to take a class.... "how to interact with society, 101"