I am late for work...
Because I'm watching the Mets game....
Because I still have hope
Because what else does a Mets fan have?
As I sit here watching the first inning...I'm watching the season and post season crumble before my eyes...
I'm leaving to work and will know nothing of the game until I get in the car, turn on the radio and listen to the schmooze.
I still believe
Because I'm a Mets fan..
Because I'm watching the Mets game....
Because I still have hope
Because what else does a Mets fan have?
As I sit here watching the first inning...I'm watching the season and post season crumble before my eyes...
I'm leaving to work and will know nothing of the game until I get in the car, turn on the radio and listen to the schmooze.
I still believe
Because I'm a Mets fan..
Anway, thanks so much. It is good to finally be doing new pictures again. I mean of myself, at least. Not in a narcissitc way, I am just the most creative when I shoot myself. Yes, the absent face was intentional. I have about 5 more shots.....where I play with poses and such. I picked these because of that (well other things too, but that also). The face would give the viewer way too much information. I like my shots to be more wonderment than vanity. This way it can say whatever you want it to say.
Sorry for the rambling. I haven't had my morning coffee yet, either.
Thanks about the gig, too. Oh my, I am so excited!