3 hrs of sleep...wake up to see The Mets win the game...pretty damn good game for a Saturday afternoon...and its only the beginning..I hope the rest of the day turns out well...we shall see
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Thursday Jul 02, 2009
Another hell week is almost done... few more hours, a few more thousa… -
Tuesday Jun 02, 2009
I should be sleeping right now...I know I should be sleeping right no… -
Monday Jun 01, 2009
Compacted hell week begins....survived the weekend. Drank excessivel… -
Friday May 29, 2009
A week of weeks...they've been bad the last couple. So I suppose a m… -
Tuesday May 19, 2009
Narcos in Mexico broke into a federal prison equipped with uniforms, … -
Sunday May 17, 2009
Having just woke up on my couch this very second not exactly knowing … -
Thursday May 14, 2009
There's something about popping a xanax at work that just feels right… -
Sunday May 10, 2009
The meeting of the minds for better sense of the word did in fact Hap… -
Saturday May 09, 2009
The rain has finally come to an end, the humid slightly breezy May ni… -
Sunday May 03, 2009
Back sooner then I thought, didn't feel like crashing on my friends b…
Yeah, the festival was a fun time!