It's funny how things work sit back and say to yourself.." man it's been forever since (fill in the blank) has happened to me"
And what do you eventually's as if you have some mental power that generates thoughts into existence. This was the case today my fellow droogs.
It all started a few weeks ago, listening to my friend's misfortune over some fem he was fuckin gas over. But sadly, got rejected...
Later that night, I thought to myself..."man it's been forever since being rejected has happened to me". Now, I don't mean to sound cocky or anything...I simply mean that it has been eons since I've even tried my luck with the female of species.
A what fuckin happened.....I got fuckin rejected today...thats right the big ol' D-Bomb!!!! (D = Denial). And the crazy part was that I didn't even realize it right off the bat. Either I was slow..or she was just very slick and subtle about it. In reality, it was a combination of both. So I sat there bewildered...flabbergasted and just down right shocked over what just happened.
I took it rather up went out side for a break collected myself and came back in. I was just disappointed and mad at myself for the way things turned out. I knew better then this, knew better then to show what kind of a hand I was playing so early. So I got the whole "I see you on a more friendship level" malarkey. Which was fine, she's cool, funny, sassy, a Nubian goddess, everything I longed for.
So what now? Take all those emotions, locked them in a box, set it out in the middle of nowhere and blow the fucker up. Small set back, but its nothing to sit here and listen to Cure songs wasn't that serious...and shes not that serious.
End of the day came and frustrations from that along with drowning in paperwork all day, I decided to pull the gym bag out and go running.
I haven't ran in ages, due to my chondromalacia (runner's knee) in my left knee. I put on these new sneakers I've been dying to try out...(asics) and christ almighty...
It felt like I was walking on air and I never felt so freeeeeeeee
Anyways, it was good to run again, to push my body farther and harder...the sweating, the heavy breathing. Yes, signs of being out of shape, but it made me feel alive. Anger and frustrations poured out of my body along with the sweat, and tranquility entered my body with every pant.
So it bummed my day out, but I see it as a detour, maybe I'll get to know her maybe I won't. Take it one day at a time....and I have no other rhyme. And also out of tyme...go listen to sublime and smoke a dime...I'll be back some tyme after nyne
I'm a dork...i know this
And what do you eventually's as if you have some mental power that generates thoughts into existence. This was the case today my fellow droogs.
It all started a few weeks ago, listening to my friend's misfortune over some fem he was fuckin gas over. But sadly, got rejected...
Later that night, I thought to myself..."man it's been forever since being rejected has happened to me". Now, I don't mean to sound cocky or anything...I simply mean that it has been eons since I've even tried my luck with the female of species.
A what fuckin happened.....I got fuckin rejected today...thats right the big ol' D-Bomb!!!! (D = Denial). And the crazy part was that I didn't even realize it right off the bat. Either I was slow..or she was just very slick and subtle about it. In reality, it was a combination of both. So I sat there bewildered...flabbergasted and just down right shocked over what just happened.
I took it rather up went out side for a break collected myself and came back in. I was just disappointed and mad at myself for the way things turned out. I knew better then this, knew better then to show what kind of a hand I was playing so early. So I got the whole "I see you on a more friendship level" malarkey. Which was fine, she's cool, funny, sassy, a Nubian goddess, everything I longed for.
So what now? Take all those emotions, locked them in a box, set it out in the middle of nowhere and blow the fucker up. Small set back, but its nothing to sit here and listen to Cure songs wasn't that serious...and shes not that serious.
End of the day came and frustrations from that along with drowning in paperwork all day, I decided to pull the gym bag out and go running.
I haven't ran in ages, due to my chondromalacia (runner's knee) in my left knee. I put on these new sneakers I've been dying to try out...(asics) and christ almighty...
It felt like I was walking on air and I never felt so freeeeeeeee
Anyways, it was good to run again, to push my body farther and harder...the sweating, the heavy breathing. Yes, signs of being out of shape, but it made me feel alive. Anger and frustrations poured out of my body along with the sweat, and tranquility entered my body with every pant.
So it bummed my day out, but I see it as a detour, maybe I'll get to know her maybe I won't. Take it one day at a time....and I have no other rhyme. And also out of tyme...go listen to sublime and smoke a dime...I'll be back some tyme after nyne
I'm a dork...i know this