There is a cause for love and there are the effects of love.
The question is whether we know the difference between the two.
mental vomit....
it was a night just like every other....
a misty drizzle filling the moonlit sky.
I sat there..on my steps....indulging in the first cigarette I've had in a long time....I haven't had the need for one in the longest...
That is ..until last night..
I received a phone call from someone who sounded rather familiar but I couldn't recognize the voice. They told me a write down some directions and to be at this location by 10 o clock at night.
Sitting there at my kitchen table...staring at this piece of paper with directions written on it
I thought to myself.."am I really gonna go?" I didn't know who had called me and I really didnt know what laid ahead for me at this place.
I got up and left to run some errands that I needed to take care of and thought "ok...if by the time I come back..and I'm still thinking about it.. I'll go." A few hours pass...I get home and took one look at the paper and knew what I was gonna do.
Hopped in the shower...did all the things I had to do in order for me to get ready. After I got dressed...I walked over to my closet....and looked for my box. So many shoe boxes..I have to figure out what I'm gonna do with them..and behind all of them I see the box labeled "box".
grab it..pull it down and place it on my bed.
I cough a bit from the thick layer of dust that rests on top of the box. I slowly open the box and see a bunch of familiar pictures and old notes from ghosts I once knew in a past life.
Pulling all that aside I see her again....Betty the .357 magnum that got me through soo many times before.
I grab a good amount of shells and my car keys and I'm gone.
Thoughts are flying past me just as fast as the street signs are flying past my 67 GTO.
I'm nervous...but in the back of my head I can feel that ol sting again...excitement...the adrenaline
The farther I go...the less of the city I begin to see..high rises are now replaced by burned down storefronts and condemned buildings.
street lights are become less visible...what am I getting myself into?
I pull up to the bricks...standing about 4 stories high...something familiar about the building calls out to me I just can't place my finger on it. I pull out a bottle of whiskey I have under the seat of my car for reason like this.. take a couple swigs....let it simmer in my stomach. Just as I feel it running through my veins I know theres nothing else to do but get out of the car and face whatever is waiting for me through those steel doors.
Step out the car..
lit a cigarette...
I look around...see If I can recognize anything around me.
Look for ways to escape just in case things get nasty
I walk up to the door...bang 3 times.
After waiting for 5 mins, someone approaches the door and opens it slightly.
The hoarse voice asks me what I'm doing there.
I hand him the paper with everything written on it...the only thing hes looking for is the password..
it was...
....bananas and cream..
He opens the door and stares me down. I didn't even have to look at him to know he was. I felt his eyes look through me...must have been at least 7ft tall and 5 ft wide...I prayed for the unlucky son of a bitch that ever crossed him.
And I prayed for the big brute if he ever had to cross me.
I can hear the drips of water coming off the pipes.....the rats seem to be feasting on something
That smell is food. I miss it sometimes.
As I go down a flight of stairs that seemed like they would never end ...
I can hear the music now..
I've never been here before..but at the same time...I feel like I'm home...why?
The hallway is dark...and the only light is coming from the bottom of the doors.
Just as I make my way through..I pull betty out...lock and load her...and give her alil pep talk.
"Its been awhile since we've been together and I just wanted to let you know that I didn't leave you because I wanted to....because I had to."
I say a prayer for the both of her back in hiding..
I turn the door knob and let the light engulf me........
The question is whether we know the difference between the two.
mental vomit....
it was a night just like every other....
a misty drizzle filling the moonlit sky.
I sat there..on my steps....indulging in the first cigarette I've had in a long time....I haven't had the need for one in the longest...
That is ..until last night..
I received a phone call from someone who sounded rather familiar but I couldn't recognize the voice. They told me a write down some directions and to be at this location by 10 o clock at night.
Sitting there at my kitchen table...staring at this piece of paper with directions written on it
I thought to myself.."am I really gonna go?" I didn't know who had called me and I really didnt know what laid ahead for me at this place.
I got up and left to run some errands that I needed to take care of and thought "ok...if by the time I come back..and I'm still thinking about it.. I'll go." A few hours pass...I get home and took one look at the paper and knew what I was gonna do.
Hopped in the shower...did all the things I had to do in order for me to get ready. After I got dressed...I walked over to my closet....and looked for my box. So many shoe boxes..I have to figure out what I'm gonna do with them..and behind all of them I see the box labeled "box".
grab it..pull it down and place it on my bed.
I cough a bit from the thick layer of dust that rests on top of the box. I slowly open the box and see a bunch of familiar pictures and old notes from ghosts I once knew in a past life.
Pulling all that aside I see her again....Betty the .357 magnum that got me through soo many times before.
I grab a good amount of shells and my car keys and I'm gone.
Thoughts are flying past me just as fast as the street signs are flying past my 67 GTO.
I'm nervous...but in the back of my head I can feel that ol sting again...excitement...the adrenaline
The farther I go...the less of the city I begin to see..high rises are now replaced by burned down storefronts and condemned buildings.
street lights are become less visible...what am I getting myself into?
I pull up to the bricks...standing about 4 stories high...something familiar about the building calls out to me I just can't place my finger on it. I pull out a bottle of whiskey I have under the seat of my car for reason like this.. take a couple swigs....let it simmer in my stomach. Just as I feel it running through my veins I know theres nothing else to do but get out of the car and face whatever is waiting for me through those steel doors.
Step out the car..
lit a cigarette...
I look around...see If I can recognize anything around me.
Look for ways to escape just in case things get nasty
I walk up to the door...bang 3 times.
After waiting for 5 mins, someone approaches the door and opens it slightly.
The hoarse voice asks me what I'm doing there.
I hand him the paper with everything written on it...the only thing hes looking for is the password..
it was...
....bananas and cream..
He opens the door and stares me down. I didn't even have to look at him to know he was. I felt his eyes look through me...must have been at least 7ft tall and 5 ft wide...I prayed for the unlucky son of a bitch that ever crossed him.
And I prayed for the big brute if he ever had to cross me.
I can hear the drips of water coming off the pipes.....the rats seem to be feasting on something
That smell is food. I miss it sometimes.
As I go down a flight of stairs that seemed like they would never end ...
I can hear the music now..
I've never been here before..but at the same time...I feel like I'm home...why?
The hallway is dark...and the only light is coming from the bottom of the doors.
Just as I make my way through..I pull betty out...lock and load her...and give her alil pep talk.
"Its been awhile since we've been together and I just wanted to let you know that I didn't leave you because I wanted to....because I had to."
I say a prayer for the both of her back in hiding..
I turn the door knob and let the light engulf me........