Well. Work hurts I am on my feet the entire time. Her parents think I am hot shit. But she still lacks trust in me.
don't know what to do with her.

She won't even cuddle. God it's really ticking me off.

This is tottal bullshit

I hate you tenshi

-no post-

post by text messaging is weird.

dom starts chocking on a drink. afterwards she saids "damn that hurt something went tdown the wrong tube"

heh heh

i say. "i'd like something to go down the wrong tube wink

she just covered her eyes and started crying.
i'm like What?!?1

Stop pressuring her. She doesn't want to have sex with you. Just stop bringing it up, stop trying to be sexy, stop everything..

If just the topic of sex makes her CRY, then something is VERY wrong.

How old is this girl anyway?
Have you given any thought to the fact that's only an ONLINE dom? Maybe it's because she's too young/immature to be in a real sexual relationship yet.

The fact that she cries whenever you bring up or even imply the topic of sex means tha SHE DOES NOT WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU.

You haven't even considered her feelings in all of this. All you're focused on is losing your virginity. That's lame, and you're a total loser for being so focused on sex instead having a real relationship with a human being.

If all you want is sex then i suggest that you go downtown and find a hooker. They don't cry, they do wghatever you want, and depending on where you go, they're cheaper than a real date.
things are going good here at michigan i like leia she's cool and all. Nice big city alot append on the way up i'll write about it later.
Good luck. I hope it works out for you.
i don't get it..
i don't get it.

why can't people quit bringing the drama.
why can't people just live and be happy.

I'm trying to make this move as smooth as possible.
as nice as possible.
trying my BEST to do this with grace and style.
why is it whenever i truly truly depend on someone they fail me.

they don't just "oh...
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today was really cool.
i got to play with leia more.

I'm begining to understand her a bit more now. she just wants someone who will be there for her and support her.

She was recently holding back to me about some stuff medically that she didn't tell me about and i finally got her to spit it out.

So since then things have been...
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I wonder about leia something upset me she talks to too many guys.

it really bugs me.

Soo... i am getting bored of having a car again..i went and played in a tournament in duraham

it's nice to drive out there but it's boring once everything is over.

How do you ask someone to a club and take them to a bar instead? i went to pirates tonight in spring late felt way out of place there. Played one game of pool. and bounced.

arrgh.. it really sucked to be out there. i am so pathetic i tell you so very pathtic.

nighty night,

So....what can you do between 5:40 and 7:40 in fayetteville?

Goto subway eat a 12 inch sub
Goto best buy walk all over the place
Goto Taco Bell get a Number 7 with NO drink.
Goto Target walk all over the place
Goto Game Stop
Goto Hobby Lobby walk all over the place
Goto Toys R Us buy my little pony for gf + walk...
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Sooo... Tired..

Well I got everything finally done.
The car is mine the payments are set up.

i am insured i finally have my license.
Feels might weird to drive by yourself.

So tenshi, heh Step 1 of what 5? to get this accomplished? I hope you continue to cheer me on!

So, i bought leia a cute little bear from wally world. It's...
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