not much to talk about got paid. usaasl crap might get 40 hrs next week looking for work still and cingular fucks my bil over. (^_^)/ YAY!
oh and guys thx i love how 3 mins after i posted that she JUMPED up and started helping.
preciate it!
Also to all her "slaves and masters" she sends to this journal to read it.
Please don't misunderstand me. This is the LAST time I will be cleaning up
this place as dirty HORRRENDUSLY dirty it has become.

I asked her. Can you please help clean up? At which she replied, no I am
with my master, Really bluntly to me. As if the Master...
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So let's see tomorrow I get paid. Yay and it's my first check in quite some
time that is actually above 0 well because a couple of weeks ago I had to
take out 495$(bounce protection) to pay some bills. Well if I do it again I
can get like two more card payments off. But I don't like doing this for one
reason. I...
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Well I had a bad dream last night.
But hey when I woke up I got to eat pussy

Man crazy ass night. Dunno what the hell was wrong with people. So I brought
in a Pen bigger than Ron Jeremy's dick for people to use. Those who forget
their pens. Make them feel small. Which they did.

Someone forgot their pen and I gave them the big ass pen. They said this is
a kid's pen. At which I thought yes you are...
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Man today was rough. Start out with me getting "served" a sheet of stuff I
need to do.

Wtf?i know how to do my fucking job why the hell did I get this paper?

I threw it in the trash.

Then I had co worked going behind me and checking my work. Dude seriously I
trust you to do your work I would hope you'd...
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Oh man. I hate my new work. So i don't work for a phone company anymore now i work for a walmartiqsue store and man on man i thought i had drama before. they argue over anything and everything. It's like watching a bunch of ants fight over a peice of a hot dog or something. The pay isn't great (6.15) and i never get...
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Woot I'm back!

A bit more stable here in Grand Rapids and can pay for this again yay!

I got my muse back! /cry i can't believe it..

rock on gd damn it rock the fuck on!
ANybody got any tips on working at a cash register? don't get me wrong i like the job and all but my feet fucking HURT.

Arrgggh.... anybody got some good ideas for like work shoes and such.

it's done. heh heh.

it was like weird to orgasm and not have any white crap to clean up. she did it with out a condom too

that's what's up.

Congratu-fucking-lations. whatever