Just checked Amazon: I'll have to check out Darwin Among the Machines.
**warning: nitpicky writerly alert**
I read an interview w/ Yann Martel in which he discusses his rationale for calling the book simply, Life of Pi, not The Life of Pi, nor A Life of Pi. Anyway, I heard it's great--it's on my ever-expanding list.
What would you recommend by Philip K. Dick to someone (me) who's never read him before?
**warning: nitpicky writerly alert**
I read an interview w/ Yann Martel in which he discusses his rationale for calling the book simply, Life of Pi, not The Life of Pi, nor A Life of Pi. Anyway, I heard it's great--it's on my ever-expanding list.
What would you recommend by Philip K. Dick to someone (me) who's never read him before?