You may, or may not, notice some changes to my top 5 favorite SGs. The reason is simple. I went to the SG Burlesque show on Sunday night, and, to put it bluntly, these ladies are amazing.
The night starts with me and Sinistar waiting in line and me stopping, staring, and saying "Hey there goes Odette walking by!" And thus it began.
We get inside the place, looks OK, I see some friends, good times. And then, Nixon walks by! I say "Hi Nixon!" and wave, and she dazzles me with a smile and a "Hi!" and a wave of her own. She's short!! lol like 5 foot maybe! And beautiful.
So the show starts, and some crappy ass punk band starts playing. Yawn. We head over to the table with all the SG swag for sale, and Fractal is behind the table! Soooo nice! So I'm just chilling there and notice Nixon sitting down in the booth. I'm buying some swag, and a hand rests on my shoulder. Nixon leans in and says "That's an awesome band!", referring to my And One "Panzermensch" shirt. Having done my research on the girls, I knew she was into the same kind of music as me. Skinny Puppy, Project Pitchfork, And One to name a few. We start talking about how AMAZING the scene is in Philly, and she's sad she can't stay longer and check it out.
Then she signs my shirt with silver Sharpie. So help me, as SOON as I can I will post a pic of the shirt in question. Her autograph is spectacular.
So she gets done, and I back away (can't act all stalkerish you know). Odette wanders over, and Sinistar says "Hey go talk to her!"
An aside: I think Odette is breathtaking. Before tonight, I had actually been lucky enough to chat with her a little in the SG chat room and I'm sure she forgot about it, lol, but I didn't. So, the great Zen had to work up the courage to go say hello. Yup, it can happen. Even to fountains of confidence like myself.
At any rate, I needn't have worried. Odette was perfectly friendly, and I asked her to sign my shirt too, and she said she would after the show. Spectacular. By this time, I'm having an amazing time. Can it get better? LOL, it can!
They were playing crappy DJ music in between the first couple bands that played before the real show, when this bizzare mix of "Girls" by the Beastie Boys comes on. Now, I've been a Beastie for years and years. I start singing the song, lol, and look over, and Fractal is singing along with me!!! WTF!?!?!? Turns out she's a huge Beastie fan too, being from NYC herself! After some quick Paul Revere lyrics, she admits Brass Monkey is her fav song. I reveal I actually have "License to Ill" in my car as we speak, and bust out the rhymes. Soooooo much fun.
I won't even waste time trying to describe the show. It was phenomenal. It would have been worth $50 instead of the $12 it did. Fanny had some GREAT acts, but the best of the show was Nixon and Chloe doing this marionette act. I can't even begin to describe how great it was. So I'll stop.
After the show, we got to spend a little time with Nixon again, and Odette signs my shirt with a little heart, over my heart.
Fractal signs my shirt "Brass Monkey" ROFL. These are such GREAT girls, and without exaggerating in the SLIGHTEST, my life is rosier having had met them. It was without a doubt the best night I've had this year, and I am sure I'll have fond memories until the day I die.
If even half of the girls on this site are half as friendly, relaxed, and down to earth as the angels I met last night, the site is never going to be in jeopardy of closing. This tour is SO GOOD for the image of the site and I am sure the girls are having a blast as well.
I'll happily be involved in any SG event within the quad state area after the success of last night. Hell, I'd do anything Nixon, Odette, or Fractal asked me to, without hesitation. lol. Well done ladies, well done. I wish you all the best in the world.
Got Evil?
P.S. Nixon, Odette, Fractal...When I imagine a girl I could take home to my Mom and say "Here is who I love" I imagine girls a whole helluva lot like the three of you. Don't ever change, and if you ever, EVER need a hand, if it is within my scope, you shall have it. From the heart.
The night starts with me and Sinistar waiting in line and me stopping, staring, and saying "Hey there goes Odette walking by!" And thus it began.
We get inside the place, looks OK, I see some friends, good times. And then, Nixon walks by! I say "Hi Nixon!" and wave, and she dazzles me with a smile and a "Hi!" and a wave of her own. She's short!! lol like 5 foot maybe! And beautiful.
So the show starts, and some crappy ass punk band starts playing. Yawn. We head over to the table with all the SG swag for sale, and Fractal is behind the table! Soooo nice! So I'm just chilling there and notice Nixon sitting down in the booth. I'm buying some swag, and a hand rests on my shoulder. Nixon leans in and says "That's an awesome band!", referring to my And One "Panzermensch" shirt. Having done my research on the girls, I knew she was into the same kind of music as me. Skinny Puppy, Project Pitchfork, And One to name a few. We start talking about how AMAZING the scene is in Philly, and she's sad she can't stay longer and check it out.
Then she signs my shirt with silver Sharpie. So help me, as SOON as I can I will post a pic of the shirt in question. Her autograph is spectacular.

An aside: I think Odette is breathtaking. Before tonight, I had actually been lucky enough to chat with her a little in the SG chat room and I'm sure she forgot about it, lol, but I didn't. So, the great Zen had to work up the courage to go say hello. Yup, it can happen. Even to fountains of confidence like myself.
At any rate, I needn't have worried. Odette was perfectly friendly, and I asked her to sign my shirt too, and she said she would after the show. Spectacular. By this time, I'm having an amazing time. Can it get better? LOL, it can!
They were playing crappy DJ music in between the first couple bands that played before the real show, when this bizzare mix of "Girls" by the Beastie Boys comes on. Now, I've been a Beastie for years and years. I start singing the song, lol, and look over, and Fractal is singing along with me!!! WTF!?!?!? Turns out she's a huge Beastie fan too, being from NYC herself! After some quick Paul Revere lyrics, she admits Brass Monkey is her fav song. I reveal I actually have "License to Ill" in my car as we speak, and bust out the rhymes. Soooooo much fun.
I won't even waste time trying to describe the show. It was phenomenal. It would have been worth $50 instead of the $12 it did. Fanny had some GREAT acts, but the best of the show was Nixon and Chloe doing this marionette act. I can't even begin to describe how great it was. So I'll stop.
After the show, we got to spend a little time with Nixon again, and Odette signs my shirt with a little heart, over my heart.

If even half of the girls on this site are half as friendly, relaxed, and down to earth as the angels I met last night, the site is never going to be in jeopardy of closing. This tour is SO GOOD for the image of the site and I am sure the girls are having a blast as well.
I'll happily be involved in any SG event within the quad state area after the success of last night. Hell, I'd do anything Nixon, Odette, or Fractal asked me to, without hesitation. lol. Well done ladies, well done. I wish you all the best in the world.
Got Evil?
P.S. Nixon, Odette, Fractal...When I imagine a girl I could take home to my Mom and say "Here is who I love" I imagine girls a whole helluva lot like the three of you. Don't ever change, and if you ever, EVER need a hand, if it is within my scope, you shall have it. From the heart.
This was truly a delightful read. I am intrigued at how several of us share these mutual feelings for these girls. It's strange yet understandable. That's phenomenal, I'm glad you had such a great time with the girls at that show, God, makes me wish I'd been there
OH, BTW ZENFINITE, here is My Flickr set of pics I took at the Denton, TX show
Please feel free to leave comments if you have a Flickr account.
Anyhoo, you strike me as a genuinely caring, good-hearted friendly person, hope you don't mind my sending you an e-mail, I have some things I'd like to get your opinion on as far as Computer tech career goes. I would deeply appreciate that if you could.
There's nothing else on Earth like the one and only, Suicide Girls!! Gotta love that SG lovin'!!!
That was SO kind of you to leave Reagan such kind a response to her deeply sad and depressing journal entry, I hope she contacts you, she could really use a listening ear and good advice, kind, sweet, gentle, loving, friendly words. She deserves nothing short of the absolute best! I wish I could be close to her so I could be there for her whenever she wanted, God knows people like you and I would never give her the runaround or cold shoulder treatment. Some friends they are huh?
Hope to talk to you soon!
message me whenever you want Yahoo! IM username: sirderomanus
Take care of yourself ZENFINITE