We had a basketball tournament today at the Village. Each RA is responsible for getting players to come down and also getting supporters. Traditionally these are not very well attended, last year I barely went to any of them. This year I was on the other end. I had to convince all sorts of different people to attend an event they might not enjoy. I was blown away by the response. Not only did I have the most supporters but they all bought a real sense of camaraderie that made the entire afternoon very pleasant. I also got to shave my boss. Shaving your boss is not something everyone gets to do but mine graciously agreed to shave his head and mustache(and wax his legs) if we raised $1500 dollars for the Victoria Fire Appeal. We reached that target and went above it. Again it was my courtyard that had the best response and it was pretty humbling to see Uni students digging deep to help people across the country.
Anyway I have ridiculously early lectures tomorrow so I will keep this short. I hope everyone else is well
Anyway I have ridiculously early lectures tomorrow so I will keep this short. I hope everyone else is well

chest piece as in, tattoo that goes across my chest.
or just something that is on my chest, like sparrows.

lol yes you can indeed love more than once