Shock and major disappointment has given way to a weird kind of optimism. I feel we can fight the beast better than through elections and presidents. Fight it by living your life as fully and beautifully as possible. Try to bring light into others' lives as much as you can. Live as if you are already in the reality you want to be in. The...
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think were doing the photos on sunday, so you should have them next week!
just in time for thanksgiving
there so awesome! i love it.
New pictures of aries and silva were posted on my site this weekend. Damn it is cool being able to put pictures of cute girls online wearing shirts that I printed- especially cute suicide girls. This site is the best- fuck the backlash. SG changed the game, and it's cool to be a part of it in my own small way.
Just got back from...
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hurrah!!!!!! presents are the best, wooooooooooo, haha, i'll get some quality photos done for you as well. oooo, new panties, yay! xx
Sure, I'll give it a whirl, email me or msn miaignet@hotmail.com. I have my own business, and a lot of the time I'm flexible with weekdays, especially 2:30-5.
Presley's pics just went up on the site today. Cute cute! Just too cute. And hot. And cute too.
The biz is alll over the map. Sometimes it seems as if things are about to completely blow up, other days I'm convinced I'm on the verge of bankruptcy. I want to get a job, but I already spend every waking hour available working on...
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I'm in Halifax & wanted to say hey--noticed your old post about Hali being great, but a bit slow for some, your Montreal recommendation. Just what I was thinking. Presley is yummy. I love her set with Tegan.
sorry hun, thought i emailed ya.
my photographer is out of town till the 1st. i have to wait till he gets back, but were doing it right away when he gets here
sorry for the delay
So tell me if you think this is a totally fucked up idea. I want to do a video to show off my clothes, but in the context of a short soft core porn vid. I'm thinking 3 or 4 girls playing "sleepover" wearing my undies and shirts. A pillow fight leads to some random groping. Pretty soon boobs are falling out of bras and...
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Hell Yeah! Im eccited to see how they come out!
looks great. yea i totally wanna do more. and UNDERWEAR too. i live in sf now i know tonz of good photographers here so yea lets do it!!
i need to send you my new address.
haha and i promise it will only take like a week. not like a year. ha. wink
I'm back! Finally got my membership caught up. Man I missed it here, it's nice to be back. There are new pictures of twwly on my site here and they are sooo hot. There are also pictures going up from presley , llona, monica, stasia, aries and silva pretty soonish. I am so stoked! If you want to model for my site...
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nice, you're back!
I thought ya went bye bye. Glad yer back. Great picture, too!
I'm going to write this quickly cos my membership dues are overdue & the credit card is maxed out at the moment. Things have really been picking up and I'm wondering if I really do need to work part time. But I have a lot of debts that need tending. Got ads up on the vice and while you were sleeping sites this month so...
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Did you get those pics okay? Hope they were alright. I can always send more.

your the dood thats in charge of all of this shinannigans.

hook me up.
It seems like every couple I know is going through a hard time or breaking up lately. It's really weird.
The biz has been a bit sluggish so I've been working part time as a bike messenger again to help pay some bills. Thought I was finished with that work but oh well.
My band just scored our first show on September 11th. Hope that's...
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Here is my man... Sean. Karmahitlist. He just joined. smile
awesome! they look great! I hate to break this to you, though... that's not my game room. it's my friends house where I shot my set. they're lucky bastards. I mean, they have a wurlitzer jukebox!
So I'm feeling much better now. I'm not pining for my ex anymore, which is a relief. But it seems like every time I get over her and start to move on she decides to pull me into her little web again. She's got a strange power over me. I love her, but I think she might be a witch. She can do that thing...
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Thanks for the info!! I will be in NYC for a tattoo apointment on the 15th and hopefully I will be able to pick up a copy of VICE.

XOXO Amina
Hey, I checked out your site. Pretty cool stuff. Once I get my tattoo in about a week, and pay some bills, I'll buy a shirt from your site. I think I'll get the Anima one love
Fuck, I am still hung up on my ex-wife. It wouldn't be so hard if we hadn't had a kid together and now I've got to see her sexy ass every day for the next 16+ years. I can't really tell if it's just the hormones, but there must be something else there, we broke up over 3 years ago (re-tag sex notwithstanding). Of course,...
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If you think you can get a finger off during the scuffle. I'd say go for it. Then tell your ex that you ate his strength and stamina. Like the old warriors used to.

Hey, im glad to see Amina's BF on the ZBQ. I cant wait till i can shoot some of my boy. smile
I'm so excited- I finally got the new zerokidz finished and online, and it looks great. Of course, it helps when you have cuties like Aries and Stacie helping you out. Still waiting for pictures from some other girls, including Amina, Presley, Quinne and Adore, amongst others, so it's only going to get better. If you want to be a part of...
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Well, I've been out in San Fran but I have your cd in the envelope and it's ready to be mailed out. smile Again, thank you for being so patient with me! You rock! kiss
I will try to e-mail you a good picture for that shirt sometime this week.
My name's J and I run ZBQ clothing over at zeroboutique.com . We have had and continue to have a number of SGs pose for the site wearing some of our stuff. You get a bunch of free clothes out of the deal and lots of exposure, so if you're interested (even if you're not an "official" SG) send me an e-mail or just leave...
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Hey you! Glad to see you are in our neck of the woods!

I will always take panties if they are being sent out bigger wink

But most importantly, WELCOME!!!

Still looking for a photographer. I may have to take the photos when I gewt back to LA, May 21st-25th.
Hey hey.........all you people out there. All you fuckin' people who aren't reading my journal. FUCK YA! I'm drunk. I just went to the Khyber Club here in Halifax, which (used to be) the only worthwhile bar to go to here, and it's turned into this lame ass Sarah Harmer playing neo-lesbian chic "art bar". There were 4 people there tonight- needless to say, I...
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True- not to bash on neo-lesbians. If I was a girl I'd probably be a neo-lesbian too. It was mostly just disappointing that they'd drop hip hop night, which was a slammin' party every time I went. Also the Khyber's best night of the week, so I dont know how long they'll stay in business if they don't bring it back.
Did I tell you that you sent me size LARGE panties?!?!? I my look big but I am a size 4.

The shirts look great tho...But I have one problem, I moved to NY and now I do not have a photographer so I have no idea how i will be able to get the pictures of me to you.

Hopefully I will figure out something.