I've been waiting to say that for a long time. About a year ago, I was part of the Kickstarter campaign to make a movie for one of my favorite shows, Veronica Mars. As you may be able to tell, I'm wearing my Veronica Mars Kickstarter shirt in celebration.
As part of my backer reward, I got a digital copy of the movie today. Which was great, because the nearest theater showing it was over two hours away. We were supposed to get them shortly after midnight in our respective time zones but I didn't get mine until 8 am this morning. Which is why I'm so happy that I downloaded a copy last night and watched it. I don't usually download films, but since I technically got a digital copy anyway, I wasn't too worried about pirating a copy. Anyway Pirate pride, right?
Without spoiling the film, I just want to say that it was worth the wait. I am so happy with what they were able to accomplish with their limited budget and time. Kristen Bell had just had a baby too, and while you could tell a bit in the earlier scenes, she was still in great shape for a new mommy. This film is everything the fangirl in me wanted it to be so I am thrilled.
I hope you all get a chance to go see it. It's a wonderful movie for the fans but they do a great job of making it a movie that someone could enjoy without ever having seen the show.
Happy PI Day and Happy P.I. Day. I love all of you marshmallows out there!