Man I love San Francisco; I know that has been said by me enough already, but its as true now as it was when I first arrived. Summer has faded. Fall is in the crisp city air. It is truly an amazingly beautiful city.
Anyways, thought it was time for an update. Nothing new going on with me. Still working on building my design skills when it comes to the web. Still overwhelmed with school work (as always). Still getting stressed and throwing down a good 10 minute sketch here and there:

So, what is new with all of you out there beyond the land of SG? Any fun plans for Halloween? Costumes ideas?
I am going simple this year, as 3-D from Back to the Future for a B2tF themed party that will be going on. It will be fun and I am sure pics and stories will follow shortly after.
Alright, I have to get back to the grind for now. In the meantime, enjoy some more music from my tracklisting this week! LOVE this new song, AND (I know I will get shit for this) to be honest, the NEW MOON soundtrack is fucking really good! Even if you don't plan on seeing the movie at least check out some of the tracks from the film. Epic. Here is one of my favorites that I have had on repeat all week:
Talk to you all soon,
(PS - Thanks for all the "well wishes" for Stogie (my pups). He's a toughy like me and will hopefully push through with that puppy charm still intact)

Man I love San Francisco; I know that has been said by me enough already, but its as true now as it was when I first arrived. Summer has faded. Fall is in the crisp city air. It is truly an amazingly beautiful city.
Anyways, thought it was time for an update. Nothing new going on with me. Still working on building my design skills when it comes to the web. Still overwhelmed with school work (as always). Still getting stressed and throwing down a good 10 minute sketch here and there:

So, what is new with all of you out there beyond the land of SG? Any fun plans for Halloween? Costumes ideas?
I am going simple this year, as 3-D from Back to the Future for a B2tF themed party that will be going on. It will be fun and I am sure pics and stories will follow shortly after.
Alright, I have to get back to the grind for now. In the meantime, enjoy some more music from my tracklisting this week! LOVE this new song, AND (I know I will get shit for this) to be honest, the NEW MOON soundtrack is fucking really good! Even if you don't plan on seeing the movie at least check out some of the tracks from the film. Epic. Here is one of my favorites that I have had on repeat all week:
Talk to you all soon,

(PS - Thanks for all the "well wishes" for Stogie (my pups). He's a toughy like me and will hopefully push through with that puppy charm still intact)
Um anyway not that I read all four Twilight books or anything. How's it going?