There isn't a whole lot to update you guys on. This last week has been one of contemplation; focussing on life, love, career, and future goals and accomplishments. In doing so I have found little areas of life that need to be cleaned up, refined through hard work and dedication. I am truly excited for what my future has in store for me, the future that I make for myself. One of my recent primary focusses will be on:
Further expanding my design capabilities and skills.
This means fully developing my web design skills to a maximum degree so that I am a viable designer here in the San Francisco area. I will also be building on my silkscreen, vector illustrations, and letterpress work as well. This means PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. I realized my skills were starting to wane away the other day when I opened up a few programs and felt a bit rusty using the tools. I have been so focussed on my design work via school that I have let go a bit on my personal design work (the work that sets me apart from the rest of the crowd and builds my skills above and beyond that of which school can give me).
So now is the time for this to change.
First, I TOTALLY WANT this penthouse (built inside a clock tower):
I got to go enjoy a Giants game with Subrosa, timmy, Thistle, Necia, and CharlieLove; and it was a total blast! Definitely love hanging with that crowd.
Also, I live in the best city in the world. I love San Francisco.
That's all for now! I'll keep you up to date on new happenings as they come along. Maybe I'll even sneak in a little design work here and there for you to peak at.
Like always I will leave you with a few songs that I have been enjoying over the last week. Have a great week and fill me in on whats new with all of you as well.
The Classics
And lastly... my absolute favorite song right now...
Now I am off to cook Chicken Broccoli Casserole... YES I CAN COOK MOTHERFUCKERS!