Seen as how I don't have anyone else to do it for me I'm going to toot my own horn a little. In an attempt to spread a bit of happiness I've performed a couple nice deeds.
This morning when I went to get coffee for my boss and myself I ended up getting stuck waiting on traffic to make a turn out of a plaza. As I'm sitting there someone in the oncoming lane stops and lets me in. In my head I'm like sweet a nice person
I make my turn then just down the road I turn into a Tim Hortons drive thru and as I'm counting up my change I notice the car behind is the very same that let me cut in front of her. Thinking to myself it's rare we are given opportunities to repay the kindnesses that we get so when it came time for me to pay for my coffees I paid for hers as well. Feeling good about myself I continue on my way and right outside the exit of the drive thru I get stuck waiting for a light to make a left turn. As I'm sitting there, window down listening to the radio I hear a horn honk a little ways behind me I poke my head out to see whats going. It's the lady whom coffees I just paid for, I couldn't hear everything she said but I was able to hear the "thank you very much" followed by a very energetic wave and from what I could see, a beaming smile. Needless to say I think that put her monday on the right track.
Story 2
This goes back a little while now but it's still relevant I think. On my way home from visiting some family whom gave us a box of cupcakes, I was with my sister. We were driving towards a cat shelter where she volunteers to feed the kitties. As we were coming off the high way I noticed a homeless person walking up the center median of the road holding a sign that simply read HUNGRY. I was too many lanes over from center to do anything but after we fed the cats, on our way back to the highway the homeless lady was still there. This time I was determined to do something despite heavy traffic I stopped in my lane and gave the lady some cupcakes. Having already eaten a whole bunch earlier, I didn't really need them so I gave them to a homeless person and when I handed her the cupcakes her eyes seemed to go wide at the sight. She was very grateful to receive them and it was another one of those moments where I felt like a made a positive difference in someones life, however small, I still felt good about it.
Well that's all I got at the moment. Remember kids, a smile is contagious
This morning when I went to get coffee for my boss and myself I ended up getting stuck waiting on traffic to make a turn out of a plaza. As I'm sitting there someone in the oncoming lane stops and lets me in. In my head I'm like sweet a nice person

Story 2
This goes back a little while now but it's still relevant I think. On my way home from visiting some family whom gave us a box of cupcakes, I was with my sister. We were driving towards a cat shelter where she volunteers to feed the kitties. As we were coming off the high way I noticed a homeless person walking up the center median of the road holding a sign that simply read HUNGRY. I was too many lanes over from center to do anything but after we fed the cats, on our way back to the highway the homeless lady was still there. This time I was determined to do something despite heavy traffic I stopped in my lane and gave the lady some cupcakes. Having already eaten a whole bunch earlier, I didn't really need them so I gave them to a homeless person and when I handed her the cupcakes her eyes seemed to go wide at the sight. She was very grateful to receive them and it was another one of those moments where I felt like a made a positive difference in someones life, however small, I still felt good about it.
Well that's all I got at the moment. Remember kids, a smile is contagious

Lucid dreaming is pretty awesome man, it just takes concentration and time, but it can also take a toll on the mind and cause insanity... So be careful
we have to be patiente and happy, even if it is only to take some pics