No rest for the wicked, all nighters are great (sarcasm not intended). The reason I say this is because it's at these times that my roommates choose to sleep and quit distracting me from the work that I so desperately need to get done. Any way b'bye
More Blogs
Treading the waters of life
So, we're in the fourth week of this semester and already my schedu… -
I'm back?!
Well! I've been away for quite sometime and this place has evolved… -
Monday May 17, 2010
I am in charge of my own fate! -
Friday Feb 26, 2010
YES!!!! I built my own computer and it works! It's so awesome! -
Monday Dec 07, 2009
" I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I h… -
Thursday Aug 13, 2009
WOOHOOO!!!! I just got a raise! I need to celebrate now -
Saturday Aug 01, 2009
Workin' my arse off so I can go to SIGGRAPH in New Orleans. -
Saturday Feb 14, 2009
Happy V-Day SG! Enjoy! I'm going to see if I can coax anyone in… -
Tuesday Jan 15, 2008
Is it weird that I don't like to look at the sets of the 19 yr. old g… -
Thursday Dec 13, 2007
Well my site's up, but I only have my 3d gallery up right now. I am …