Here is a backdrop of new friend, fellow Tool fan, Iggy.
And here is a backdrop of the supersweet and my catfighting opponent (let's get it on baby! And no trick coins!) Ash.
Today's Kama Sutra position is called Churning...
Go visit Lucent Candles, the website of friend DevilsMistress. They produce candles that are 100% vegetable, using a pure soybean oil base.
New "most humbling moment" - Realizing women would much rather drive back and forth over a speed bump than go out with me...
Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa............
***suddenly stops laughing and looks hurt at the thought...***
What is the most disturbing dream you have had...?
I had this while on tour in Italy a few weeks ago...
3/15 3:57am
I've just woken up from a VERY disturbing dream. I remember the copmpany getting onto the bus to go to some city where we'd be performing at some school. For some reason, there were three or four stockpeople from Banana Republic there who were going to be stagehands. I remember waiting ages for certain (unnamable) people to get on the bus so we could leave. I remember seeing Junichi showing up with an armful of t-shirts that he was going to sell but we told him it was against the law to peddle merchandise without a license. We showed up to the theater/school where the managing director and of all people the asshole who fucked me over a few months ago were waiting. I rememebr two theaters that were facing each other, one where our company would be and one where there was a children's recital currently happening. The company had to wait to go on because there was some sort of church service going on onstage that mede me feel VERY uncomfortable. I turned my back and watched the children's recital. Then, Jo Ellen comes up to me, grabs me by the hand and says , "there's a great spot you can see everything from over here", pointing at a spot towards the room where the church service was. I then began struggling with her and begging her not to take me in there, saying that I didn't like church services. She looked at me, shook her head and said "this is not working!" and walked away. As I turned back towards the children's room, which was done in what looked like a glass classroom, the first thing I saw was a little girl sliding towards me on her butt as if she were on ice. She got up and I heard her say, "I don't like that!" She looked at me and gave me the wickedest grin and walked off. I noticed on the floor where she had slid was a streak of silver ( I just noticed something unsettling: the streak she left was the same type of streak that is on several of our costumes). The next thing I remember is that once the kids show was over, I heard familiar sounding music coming from the theater. But it wasn't ours so I paid it no more attention. I then remember talking to the children's headmaster (?) and two of the children about sticking with their dreams and goals. the children's recital empties out and the managing director and the asshole walk back towards me. The director say "we need to get your ticket back". I said where's Jo Ellen? He said "she left". I looked into the theater and it was empty. I said where's the bus? He said "it left". I said, great all of my stuff is there and the left without me. He said "that's a problem but we'll figure ouit a way to send it to you." I then realized what he was trying to say to me, that the company wanted to get rid of me. Then the most disturbing thing happened: I went to the corner of the room and looking out the window I began to have a nervous breakdown or a seizure or something like that. I began tremblimng and clutching my heart, my eyes began streaming and I got this wicked grin on my face just like the little girl who grinned at me. I remember trying to cover it up with my hand as I turned to face the two idiots. That moment must have scarred the shit out of me because that's when I woke up and realized I was having a dream...or a was VERY difficult for me to get back to sleep because I was in such an agitated state that I could actually hear my heart beating...
The From-Me-to-You songs for the moment:
"Doin' the Low Down" by Cab Calloway (for all the women who like the lowdown done to them...)
"If I Was Your Girlfriend" by Prince (for Bettie
"Worlock" by Skinny Puppy" (for Ash)
"Deeper Understanding" by Kate Bush (for my imaginary friends)
"Hey Jupiter (The Dakota Version) by Tori Amos and "Nature's Kingdom" by Delerium (for Andromeda
"Doppelganger" by Curve (for the shitsnots who diss and act as though they walk on I can see why...SHIT FLOATS!!!)
***recomposes himself***
Guess who I'm thinking of when I see this joker...
I took this at the Colosseum in Rome...
I was going to wait until these were done, but I'm anxious to unleash them/give a sneaky-peeky now. This is one of the pair of pointe shoes I am hand-painting featuring the lovely Stina on the top of them. As of now, they are in the "layout stage". I've started painting the tree and swing she is sitting on already and I will wait to touch up the inking on her and then paint her last.
You like...?
And here is a backdrop of the supersweet and my catfighting opponent (let's get it on baby! And no trick coins!) Ash.
Today's Kama Sutra position is called Churning...
Go visit Lucent Candles, the website of friend DevilsMistress. They produce candles that are 100% vegetable, using a pure soybean oil base.
New "most humbling moment" - Realizing women would much rather drive back and forth over a speed bump than go out with me...
Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa............
***suddenly stops laughing and looks hurt at the thought...***

What is the most disturbing dream you have had...?
I had this while on tour in Italy a few weeks ago...
3/15 3:57am
I've just woken up from a VERY disturbing dream. I remember the copmpany getting onto the bus to go to some city where we'd be performing at some school. For some reason, there were three or four stockpeople from Banana Republic there who were going to be stagehands. I remember waiting ages for certain (unnamable) people to get on the bus so we could leave. I remember seeing Junichi showing up with an armful of t-shirts that he was going to sell but we told him it was against the law to peddle merchandise without a license. We showed up to the theater/school where the managing director and of all people the asshole who fucked me over a few months ago were waiting. I rememebr two theaters that were facing each other, one where our company would be and one where there was a children's recital currently happening. The company had to wait to go on because there was some sort of church service going on onstage that mede me feel VERY uncomfortable. I turned my back and watched the children's recital. Then, Jo Ellen comes up to me, grabs me by the hand and says , "there's a great spot you can see everything from over here", pointing at a spot towards the room where the church service was. I then began struggling with her and begging her not to take me in there, saying that I didn't like church services. She looked at me, shook her head and said "this is not working!" and walked away. As I turned back towards the children's room, which was done in what looked like a glass classroom, the first thing I saw was a little girl sliding towards me on her butt as if she were on ice. She got up and I heard her say, "I don't like that!" She looked at me and gave me the wickedest grin and walked off. I noticed on the floor where she had slid was a streak of silver ( I just noticed something unsettling: the streak she left was the same type of streak that is on several of our costumes). The next thing I remember is that once the kids show was over, I heard familiar sounding music coming from the theater. But it wasn't ours so I paid it no more attention. I then remember talking to the children's headmaster (?) and two of the children about sticking with their dreams and goals. the children's recital empties out and the managing director and the asshole walk back towards me. The director say "we need to get your ticket back". I said where's Jo Ellen? He said "she left". I looked into the theater and it was empty. I said where's the bus? He said "it left". I said, great all of my stuff is there and the left without me. He said "that's a problem but we'll figure ouit a way to send it to you." I then realized what he was trying to say to me, that the company wanted to get rid of me. Then the most disturbing thing happened: I went to the corner of the room and looking out the window I began to have a nervous breakdown or a seizure or something like that. I began tremblimng and clutching my heart, my eyes began streaming and I got this wicked grin on my face just like the little girl who grinned at me. I remember trying to cover it up with my hand as I turned to face the two idiots. That moment must have scarred the shit out of me because that's when I woke up and realized I was having a dream...or a was VERY difficult for me to get back to sleep because I was in such an agitated state that I could actually hear my heart beating...
The From-Me-to-You songs for the moment:
"Doin' the Low Down" by Cab Calloway (for all the women who like the lowdown done to them...)
"If I Was Your Girlfriend" by Prince (for Bettie
"Worlock" by Skinny Puppy" (for Ash)
"Deeper Understanding" by Kate Bush (for my imaginary friends)
"Hey Jupiter (The Dakota Version) by Tori Amos and "Nature's Kingdom" by Delerium (for Andromeda
"Doppelganger" by Curve (for the shitsnots who diss and act as though they walk on I can see why...SHIT FLOATS!!!)

***recomposes himself***
Guess who I'm thinking of when I see this joker...

I took this at the Colosseum in Rome...

I was going to wait until these were done, but I'm anxious to unleash them/give a sneaky-peeky now. This is one of the pair of pointe shoes I am hand-painting featuring the lovely Stina on the top of them. As of now, they are in the "layout stage". I've started painting the tree and swing she is sitting on already and I will wait to touch up the inking on her and then paint her last.
You like...?
but we'll talk soon! (still no picture! doh!)