Interview is DONE! Woot. I felt it went very well. I should hear back in a week and it sounds like they are looking for someone to start when I am done with my summer festivities. I want this job!!
Now I just have to finish my to do list:
1. Bring my mom in laws care in to the dealership to fix/replace the side...
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Now I just have to finish my to do list:
1. Bring my mom in laws care in to the dealership to fix/replace the side...
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I think that's the most ambitious to-do list I've ever seen! Best of luck with it. 

definitely. winco is notorious for the morbidly obese. gotta love oregon.
Getting an new suit for my interview next wednesday. It's for my absolute dream job so wish me luck. I am the first to be interviewed so I am going to fucking set the bar high. Nobody is even going to get a second look after I leave. My interviewer will be too dazzled.
Good luck! And in case I forgot to say this, welcome back to SG! 

get one from victoria's secret.
they fit curves real well.
they fit curves real well.

So I am going to go on the WCCT!! Woot. I love living in daylight hours and am having such a good summer, I haven't been this happy and healthy in ages.
I am still feeling guilty about not working but am making up for it with laundry, dinners and household improvements. We are so close to getting some grown up furniture which is going...
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I am still feeling guilty about not working but am making up for it with laundry, dinners and household improvements. We are so close to getting some grown up furniture which is going...
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nice blonde girls there girly.
pole, like stripper pole?
pole, like stripper pole?
Yay! You found your Yumchen login! I could never remember your other screen name anyway.
I hope your 4th rocked.
I hope your 4th rocked.
I AM done with the term, the term of doom i am so done with yay.
We are starting spring break 07.
I will post piccies.
We are coming to towns near you.....
We are starting spring break 07.
I will post piccies.
We are coming to towns near you.....
Hahah! Nice pic of Mario Lopez!!!
Those speedos are fuckin sweeeeet
I think I can see his weiner.

Those speedos are fuckin sweeeeet

I think I can see his weiner.
fucking hippies!
No he still lives but not for long.
No he still lives but not for long.
So I need to vent to the internet and eternally document this crazy fucking story.
Those of you who have ever "broke up" with friends will sympathize and then cringe with horror.
One of my best friends Becca, who I've known for 6 years, "broke up" with me in December.
Part One:
I became friends with Becca 6 years ago and we hung out...
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So I need to vent to the internet and eternally document this crazy fucking story.
Those of you who have ever "broke up" with friends will sympathize and then cringe with horror.
One of my best friends Becca, who I've known for 6 years, "broke up" with me in December.
Part One:
I became friends with Becca 6 years ago and we hung out...
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Yeah, stupid time sensitivity...
I miss you too!

I miss you too!
Disgustingly late birthday wishes: Happy Birthday!
Wow, I talked to 5 people today that I haven't talked to in 3 years or more. It was great. I can't believe how afraid I was to call after so long.
I am really craving good fish and chips right now.
I am really craving good fish and chips right now.
dude, i'll drop it like it's hot at your bachelorette party.
i'll see what i can do about saving you summa da booze...
might have to make another batch.
it's lasted a remarkably long time so far, but i think most of that can be attributed to the fact that i'm rarely home.

i'll see what i can do about saving you summa da booze...
might have to make another batch.
it's lasted a remarkably long time so far, but i think most of that can be attributed to the fact that i'm rarely home.
fish and chips has been haunting me a bit lately. what do you put on them?
New Year
"So this is the new year... but I don't feel any different."
Actually I do. I feel a little more grown up. In a good way though. Not like I have to go to bed early and pay any more bills or anything.
In a good way. I am more confident of my ability to see people for what they are worth. I...
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"So this is the new year... but I don't feel any different."
Actually I do. I feel a little more grown up. In a good way though. Not like I have to go to bed early and pay any more bills or anything.
In a good way. I am more confident of my ability to see people for what they are worth. I...
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In a good way. I am more confident of my ability to see people for what they are worth. I am more confident in my ability to be strong when needed. I am fiscally responsable (visa said so). I know how to cook pad thai. I have a 35 undead warrior (oops, not grown up). I am getting so much better at seeing the brighter side of life (thank you Diane for our talk the other week, was very very awesome!!). I still indulge in petty shit no and then but not nearly as much haha.
I can totally relate to you on this one, well said!
Oh... I'm looking at come down from Canada to PDX for easter break, just for the weekend.
Maybe we could meet up?
I can totally relate to you on this one, well said!
Oh... I'm looking at come down from Canada to PDX for easter break, just for the weekend.
Maybe we could meet up?
Well, then, you just punch that term right in the face. Show it who's boss!
Done with this term! 2 to go!
We got our Itinery for our euro trip.
We arrive in Florence on september 3rd and leave Dublin October 16. Jon will have his 29th birthday there!
So exciting. I hope to make some contacts before we go so we know where the mia and pias are in europe (places as cool as our own favorite local beer...
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We got our Itinery for our euro trip.
We arrive in Florence on september 3rd and leave Dublin October 16. Jon will have his 29th birthday there!
So exciting. I hope to make some contacts before we go so we know where the mia and pias are in europe (places as cool as our own favorite local beer...
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You know you wish the J-man still had that stache from halloween.
ps Thats not the only thing me and Ron have in common... we have the same beer gut too.
ps Thats not the only thing me and Ron have in common... we have the same beer gut too.
Sorry I didn't make it to your house new years. When I got back from dinner to my house my face was so cold it actually hurt, and so I crawled into a blanket and refused to come out. Hope you had fun, though.
Good luck with school this term!
Good luck with school this term!
I am full.
of beer and quiche. Fuck Turkeys.
Sewing is harder than I thought it would be. I burned the shirt I was trying to make.
I feel so far away from everone I want to see and everthing I want to do.
It's ok though, my kitties love me.
of beer and quiche. Fuck Turkeys.
Sewing is harder than I thought it would be. I burned the shirt I was trying to make.
I feel so far away from everone I want to see and everthing I want to do.
It's ok though, my kitties love me.
when you come back to see me lady?
finals are over tomorrow night.
finals are over tomorrow night.
i'm well. hope life's treating you the same.
how was finals?
how was finals?
so thanks to one very amazing, hot, and generous friend...
I get to partake once more in the world of boobies. Woo hoo!
Thank you!!
I get to partake once more in the world of boobies. Woo hoo!
Thank you!!

'sup lady.
sorry i missed your call.
you gonna be in the hood during the break?
i'm not taking any time off so i should be around a lot.
we should hang.
fo' reelz dawg.
sorry i missed your call.
you gonna be in the hood during the break?
i'm not taking any time off so i should be around a lot.
we should hang.
fo' reelz dawg.
Grandparent lottery?
Mecca lecca hi Mecca heini heini ho.
Off to San Fransisco I go.
Off to San Fransisco I go.
You can't moderate moderation!! That's like negating a double negative...or something.
-Whee San Fran. I always miss it.
-Whee San Fran. I always miss it.
They say a wang is much like a divining rod, but it finds T&A rather than water.
It may be weird, but sorta cute in a way that you let one pat you. That's gotta make his week!

An extract from Captain Corellie mandolin;
'Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcano's, then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision You have to work out whether your roots are so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part.
Because that is what love is.
love is not breathlessness. It is not excitement. It is not...
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'Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcano's, then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision You have to work out whether your roots are so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part.
Because that is what love is.
love is not breathlessness. It is not excitement. It is not...
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No, Kings is a drinking game. Each card has a specific rule associated with it*, certain cards alter the rules, and whomever pulls the last king takes a shot/shotguns a beer/does something (usually biologically) obscene. (Adams, 1979)
Good quote, btw.
* things like starting off a round of rhyming, questions (someone asks someone else a question, who has to respond with a question, so-on and so-forth), never-have-i-ever, or handing out/taking drinks, etc...
Adams, Douglas (1979). Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. London: Harmony.
Good quote, btw.
* things like starting off a round of rhyming, questions (someone asks someone else a question, who has to respond with a question, so-on and so-forth), never-have-i-ever, or handing out/taking drinks, etc...
Adams, Douglas (1979). Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. London: Harmony.
Hey there kid, how have you been???