Yesterday Poly Styrene died. She was the singer for the X Ray Spex. One of the best bands ever.
I have returned. A lot has happened. I wrecked my streetluge-bad. Broke left leg, right ankle, right wrist. A week in hospital and three surgeries. Four months off work. But I'm back.
Spent last weekend riding my luge. I think I placed 7th in classic. Trying to figure out how to get to Oklahoma for the next ride.
Fixed the pinball machine! Check that one off lifes to do list.
Went to Cincinnati for a street luge fun run. I feel regenerated.
Went to the Deathfarm yesterday. Things exploded and ratrods were driven. Good times.
Enjoying my summer, did a little surfing, skating, and luged Polish mountain in Maryland.
I'm finally back on SG! I'm got great with computers and somehow disabled my cookies. I have A.D.D. so whenever the computer mentions cookies I think "mmmm cookie" and wander off.
Taking the kids to see the Queers tomorow. Our dog Ursala will stay home.