i've changed my mind on my leaving plans i believe... i don't think i'm coming back now. the circumstances have changed. i'm too paranoid, and every time things get said on the boards lately i think they are about me. and there's a high chance that usually they are.
there's too much high school drama going on and i just really didn't need it, especially when it originally started. people have been assuming my actions were for my own gain... but i've gained nothing. i've lost friendships, i've felt incredibly paranoid, i've been incredibly hurt. i've felt extremely unhappy over the whole fucking thing.
i can't come back to a place that seems to be ruled by the people that have such huge issue with me.
there's too much high school drama going on and i just really didn't need it, especially when it originally started. people have been assuming my actions were for my own gain... but i've gained nothing. i've lost friendships, i've felt incredibly paranoid, i've been incredibly hurt. i've felt extremely unhappy over the whole fucking thing.
i can't come back to a place that seems to be ruled by the people that have such huge issue with me.
If you're not being selfish in whatever actions we're speaking of here, then I can't help but notice that's your habit for most things. Utter selflessness seems noble, but is destructive. To paraphrase some cliche, how can you help others without helping yourself?
So whatever you want to do with this account, with SG, do it for you. If time away from this will strengthen you, then spend some time away. If the support system here is therapeutic, and you're building strength, then stay.
I'm no therapist, so the only support I can offer really is this: If you do leave SG for a while, I promise not to take your screen name so that you can still have it when you come back.
i think you're wrong.