about my truck. i fixed the broken parts (the adjusting lever and cable on one of my rear drum brakes). however, while testing this, i discovered the reason it probably broke in the first place. the rear shoe is not retracting after i let off the break pedal, at least not all the way, and this causes the cable to come loose a little and i think the cable was rubbing on something that finally wore through it and caused it to break and we get what we had here. i hate Ford. not even an old vehicle and i get some absurd malfunction. re-fucking-diculous.
i got to ride in the high-speed for like 3 hours last night. while everyone was loading a shit load of mail, my manager had me training, so i just got to sit around during the busiest hours. i'm starting to like this shit. if it gets busy, i just go outside and grab one of the vehicles. hah, screw you guys!!!
about my truck. i fixed the broken parts (the adjusting lever and cable on one of my rear drum brakes). however, while testing this, i discovered the reason it probably broke in the first place. the rear shoe is not retracting after i let off the break pedal, at least not all the way, and this causes the cable to come loose a little and i think the cable was rubbing on something that finally wore through it and caused it to break and we get what we had here. i hate Ford. not even an old vehicle and i get some absurd malfunction. re-fucking-diculous.
i got to ride in the high-speed for like 3 hours last night. while everyone was loading a shit load of mail, my manager had me training, so i just got to sit around during the busiest hours. i'm starting to like this shit. if it gets busy, i just go outside and grab one of the vehicles. hah, screw you guys!!!
no way. the gt might be the finest lamans car ever built.