Well, I'm just getting over being dreadfully ill. Food poisoning or a stomach-flu or something. Not just me either. All of my kids, and even Crash, who never gets sick.
I've got a "tentative" job offer from an agent/scout with Elite Models, NY. It may mean moving to New York, but this agent seems to be willing to pay for me to get a tummy-tuck...
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I've got a "tentative" job offer from an agent/scout with Elite Models, NY. It may mean moving to New York, but this agent seems to be willing to pay for me to get a tummy-tuck...
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Happy New Year!
Well, my party turned out good... if by good you mean that everyone drank way too much booze and their clothes got lost that is.
New Years Resolutions... I want to hear them people!
Mine aren't that interesting I guess.
I'd like to get into better shape.
I'd like to budget my finances better, so I can afford a nice home when...
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Well, my party turned out good... if by good you mean that everyone drank way too much booze and their clothes got lost that is.

New Years Resolutions... I want to hear them people!
Mine aren't that interesting I guess.
I'd like to get into better shape.
I'd like to budget my finances better, so I can afford a nice home when...
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Sounds like you had a great time, wish i could have been there.
Good luck with your resolutions and i hope to finally get to meet up with you again soon.

Good luck with your resolutions and i hope to finally get to meet up with you again soon.
Happy new year hun, glad your party went well, i want to come visit you soon, christmas is out of the way, which is good, and will i lose my clothes too?

New cel-phone. The old one was, well... old.
Computer is acting a little better. Hard to tell with how little time I've got to spend here the last couple of days though.
Looking forward to having friends over tomorrow. But shit hit the fan at Crash's job and he's been called in. That means I have to get up at 6am tomorrow. *le sigh*
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Computer is acting a little better. Hard to tell with how little time I've got to spend here the last couple of days though.

Looking forward to having friends over tomorrow. But shit hit the fan at Crash's job and he's been called in. That means I have to get up at 6am tomorrow. *le sigh*
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Marry?..... with an "A" .....
Other things on the brain T?
(PS: sorry for being a grammar Nazi
Other things on the brain T?
(PS: sorry for being a grammar Nazi

Hello hun, so so sorry didnt make it over last weekend, i was so ill it was ridiculous, dont think i have been sick like that since i was a kid. xxx
Lets sort something out for the new yr, we miss you and really want to come over for some drinking and games. xxxx
Lets sort something out for the new yr, we miss you and really want to come over for some drinking and games. xxxx

My computer is still being a whore.
But at least I am optimistic about Christmas. I really don't have much in the way of enthusiasm yet though. Maybe it's these gorram mood-stabilizers. I dunno.
Looking forward to this weekend. Hopefully I'll have some time to actually get into the christmas spirit in time for the Christmas parties. Here's hoping.
But at least I am optimistic about Christmas. I really don't have much in the way of enthusiasm yet though. Maybe it's these gorram mood-stabilizers. I dunno.
Looking forward to this weekend. Hopefully I'll have some time to actually get into the christmas spirit in time for the Christmas parties. Here's hoping.

Hey glad to hear that your back, and hope that you do enjoy your christmas.

glad you back
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Computer fixed! Well, at least I think it's fixed. Crash keeps fiddling with it and finding more things he "needs to fix". lol
This weekend is going to be fun. I'm going to an SCA Yule-Ball. Technically it starts tonight, but I would rather get up at 9 tomorrow instead of 4:30am. So I'm not going to tonight's events. Tomorrow however, I get to dress...
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This weekend is going to be fun. I'm going to an SCA Yule-Ball. Technically it starts tonight, but I would rather get up at 9 tomorrow instead of 4:30am. So I'm not going to tonight's events. Tomorrow however, I get to dress...
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Hey, hope your weekend went really well and you had lots of fun. Hope that you sort out something with the fact that you do everything for all of the holidays and yet get nothing in returndoesnt sound like a good trade.
Hope your christmas party goes the way you want it andthat you have lots of fun.
Look forward to seeing you soon.
Hope your christmas party goes the way you want it andthat you have lots of fun.
Look forward to seeing you soon.

i hope you had a good weekend, it sucks you not appriciated hun, you need to tell him these things if you havent already, we will come see you soon and do something for christmas!!
You do have a rght to be pissy about it hun i would be!
miss you!!!
You do have a rght to be pissy about it hun i would be!
miss you!!!

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. My computer got hit with a nasty virus. Doesn't shock me. Seems there's more viruses than computers nowadays. lol
Right now I'm actually using a friend's computer while mine is getting fixed. I should have it back next week sometime. *fingers-crossed*
Right now I'm actually using a friend's computer while mine is getting fixed. I should have it back next week sometime. *fingers-crossed*
Viruses are lame. I missed you too.
Hope you get your PC fixed soon x
Sorry all. I haven't been spending much time on SG lately. I've just got too much on my plate at the moment.
3 kids in diapers, and everything that goes along with having small children in the house
Many Dr. appointments, but that is typical.
I have started my christmas shopping finally. I have one present each for my children, and that's all.
After next...
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3 kids in diapers, and everything that goes along with having small children in the house
Many Dr. appointments, but that is typical.
I have started my christmas shopping finally. I have one present each for my children, and that's all.
After next...
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Congratulations on the weight loss!
Dont worry about not being on sg much you have more than enough to deal with, with those 3.
Hope to see you soon.
Dont worry about not being on sg much you have more than enough to deal with, with those 3.
Hope to see you soon.
Congratulations on the wieght loss im so pleased for you, well done.
I cazn twait to come see you again, its been far too long!!
I cazn twait to come see you again, its been far too long!!
Existentialism: making yourself depressed on purpose!
Definition for existentialism...
The study of, or search for, meaning in one's existence, or existence as a whole. Also a modern idealism brought about in the mid 1960s, whereby people are made to feel insignificant, lacking of purpose or socially un-acceptable through a process of over-analizing their own rejections and defeats.
Personally, I find that existence as a whole can be both beautiful and painful simultaneously. But at the moment, and for the last few years, my own life has been more pain and emptiness than beauty and fulfillment. Ergo my cycle of hiddeous depression.
(That, and on Sims 2: University, it's one of the semester course-studies in philosophy.)
The study of, or search for, meaning in one's existence, or existence as a whole. Also a modern idealism brought about in the mid 1960s, whereby people are made to feel insignificant, lacking of purpose or socially un-acceptable through a process of over-analizing their own rejections and defeats.
Personally, I find that existence as a whole can be both beautiful and painful simultaneously. But at the moment, and for the last few years, my own life has been more pain and emptiness than beauty and fulfillment. Ergo my cycle of hiddeous depression.
(That, and on Sims 2: University, it's one of the semester course-studies in philosophy.)
Hey hun,
Havent got a clue but imjust depressed regardless, b ut im working on it now, why dont we meet in cambridge for a coffee one day!!!
Havent got a clue but imjust depressed regardless, b ut im working on it now, why dont we meet in cambridge for a coffee one day!!!

Guess you never know...
Tuesday was a day like any other. I was awoken a tad early by my husband. I assumed he wanted to spend some time with me before heading off to work. And yet, for the next hour, maybe more, I had the joy of staring at the back of his head, as he was (...you guessed it...) playing video-games. I can't...
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Tuesday was a day like any other. I was awoken a tad early by my husband. I assumed he wanted to spend some time with me before heading off to work. And yet, for the next hour, maybe more, I had the joy of staring at the back of his head, as he was (...you guessed it...) playing video-games. I can't...
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Oh god honey. I'm so sorry for you but I also sympathise with you as things for richardt and I are generally also going from bad to worse to utter rubbish. I'm always up for a chat if you need it or just to listen to you vent (coz I know how that can help)

i know im like super late...but thanks for ur input on my situation...made me feel extra special to see such a long comment..thanks again.

Spent most of my afternoon in the ER. The doctors are always stumped when I bring them my weird problems. Todays was an interesting story. Friday night before bed, I noticed that one of my stretch-marks on my thigh was really red, as if it had just stretched. I tried to ignore it. It didn't hurt or anything. Saturday afternoon, it begins to get very...
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Oh, hun i hope your ok, please don fall apart, i need to see you soon for a fun weekend out!!!
I would love to sit your kids but im back at work this week so wouldnt make it!!! Pole dancin sounds fun though!!!!
I would love to sit your kids but im back at work this week so wouldnt make it!!! Pole dancin sounds fun though!!!!

Hey arent doctors just great. Hope the bruise heals well.
Hope you have lots of fun at the pole dancing classes!
Hope you have lots of fun at the pole dancing classes!

Every have one of those days when you just can't stop crying?
Early this afternoon, I got an email from the man who destroyed me. a man who I am admittedly still in love with. A real apology from him for all of the pain he has caused me over the last 2 years. I blogged here earlier today, just after reading it, and it...
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Early this afternoon, I got an email from the man who destroyed me. a man who I am admittedly still in love with. A real apology from him for all of the pain he has caused me over the last 2 years. I blogged here earlier today, just after reading it, and it...
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Thats not been a good day, hope that you feel better soon, wish i could be there with you.
Thats some of the problem wit family you dont always see the truth about close family because you are so close to them.
Remember im here fror you to talk to.
Hope you are ok and i hope to see you again soon.
Thats some of the problem wit family you dont always see the truth about close family because you are so close to them.
Remember im here fror you to talk to.
Hope you are ok and i hope to see you again soon.

Hey hun, were all here if you need us, sorry you guys are having a stressful time.
Give me a call if you need to chat!!!
Give me a call if you need to chat!!!

Well, I'm back from my DISASTER of a trip.
Here's the short story.
As if 8 flights in 12 days weren't bad enough, I got sick on the first day of my trip. Then my husband. Then all 3 of my kids. On the trip back to England, my youngest started throwing up and had a high temperature. I've had a migraine-level headache for the...
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Here's the short story.
As if 8 flights in 12 days weren't bad enough, I got sick on the first day of my trip. Then my husband. Then all 3 of my kids. On the trip back to England, my youngest started throwing up and had a high temperature. I've had a migraine-level headache for the...
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Bloody hell bloody fire - what a nightmare!!!
hey gorgeous how are you?