Oh yeah - and the rain. I fucking love it; it reminds me of being back in England. Even the roads are less crowded because all these SoCal crybabies think that getting a little wet while going about your day is a real pain and something to be avoided.

Landslides suck though. Actually - I've waiting for us all to suddenly discover that the valley...
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MAKES ME HAPPY: Everything; even all the horrible shit and the pain. I love life, every vile, filthy, miserable little scrap of it.

Martin Sheen came very close to becoming my sisters Father in Law. She was engaged to his son Emilio. During that time, I often looked to Martin for advice. One piece was more poignant and subsequently came to shape my life.

When I was 19 the Marine Corps seemed very attractive to me. The important people around me had no real advice to give me except yea or nay as to whether I should join or not.

When it came time to tell Martin, knowing his political beliefs, I was a little unsure as what to say. So I just said, "I was thinking of being a Marine, what do you think?"

Know what he said? He said, "No experience is a bad or negative experience. There is always something to learn. Join the Marines and either hate it or love it, or don't and get old wondering if you would have hated it or loved it."

It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Semper Fidelis

Your new friend,
Morgan (mgfx)

"No experience is a bad or negative experience."

I agree - that's great advice, somehow I never expect public personalities to have any depth of spirit or understanding. The most difficult things can be seen as inspiring growth, although often that doesn't come until after the fact. The more you can control your own reactions to events at the time though, the more you get out of life.

I spent 5 years in the Marine Corps from 94 to 99. I'm glad I'm out, but I'm also glad I was in. I never really got into the "ooh-rah" hardcore mentality, but I loved the work and the play, and the (most of) people. There's definately a lot to be said for living in a sub-society where personal accountability, honorable conduct, and the willingness to take hard living and difficult situations head on (and laugh heartily about it) are EXPECTED by and of everyone. I miss some of those things, but I got a lot out of it and I'm glad that I've moved on to completely different things now. I usually enjoy whatever fate throws at me. I think that variety of experience is my greatest addiction.
Taking 15 units this term & working an average of 45 hours a week. I'm dying here...
I'm drinking hot chocolate right now. Bet you wish YOU had some hot chocolate to drink right about now.
I admit to trying the new hot chocolate from starbucks the other day. It was bitter and creamy and yummy. And even though I felt guilty cuz it was starbucks, I enjoyed it. So, technically I'm not really missing out on the hot chocolate.

Oh, and hi! smile
When I lived in Europe I could always find good heavy metal and industrial clubs? Even in B-F tiny little villages it seemed like there was always at least one of the bars there that catered to the metal scene a couple nights a week.

How is it that now that I'm living in a city of 16 million, a city which is supposed to...
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Well I don't know about metal, but I used to go to a pretty good industrial/goth club called 'Bar Sinister" in Hollywood. It's off Hollywood Blvd near Highland. I'm sure you could find the exact address in LA Weekly.
What do people do at a "metal club" anyway? Mosh?
Listen to music, drink, socialize, have a laugh, and yeah, mosh.

I'm gonna eat you...

(Hey... why the hell isn't there a GIR smiley anyway? Are we living in the fucking stone age here? The Dark Ages? Should I start pissing in a bedpan and dumping it out my front window when it's full? Bloody savages.)
After having read your advice in the dataing sucks! group, I gotta say:

You're like my hero.That was brilliant.