since i'd last been active around here, some things happened...
my grandmother passed away on christmas day which was awful, so i was back and forth to LA a couple times in the last couple months.
spent the new year on I5.
17 1/2 hours is a long drive in a car...
i also moved into a much bigger apartment in the same building i have been staying in for the last year or so. it is a huge 3 bedroom and am splitting to rent with kara, which has been cool. i got to keep the view and the beach. i'd have been sad to lose it.
bigger place + less $= hard to beat.
i also finally got my promotion i had been holding out for for what seems like forever. it's been going really well so far. i'm glad i stuck it out...
aside from all that i have been laying low. the holidays had been extremely taxing on me emotionally, and moving is a bitch even if it's just down a flight of stairs.
i just haven't felt up to my usual business, so sorry i have been less than frequent. not that any of you take it personally. you all now i'm just a moody sob anyway. haha.
this weekend is my bday though, so i'll be out drinkin', actin' the fool and chasin' skirts... 'cause you know how i do.
hope to see you out.
my grandmother passed away on christmas day which was awful, so i was back and forth to LA a couple times in the last couple months.
spent the new year on I5.
17 1/2 hours is a long drive in a car...
i also moved into a much bigger apartment in the same building i have been staying in for the last year or so. it is a huge 3 bedroom and am splitting to rent with kara, which has been cool. i got to keep the view and the beach. i'd have been sad to lose it.
bigger place + less $= hard to beat.
i also finally got my promotion i had been holding out for for what seems like forever. it's been going really well so far. i'm glad i stuck it out...
aside from all that i have been laying low. the holidays had been extremely taxing on me emotionally, and moving is a bitch even if it's just down a flight of stairs.
i just haven't felt up to my usual business, so sorry i have been less than frequent. not that any of you take it personally. you all now i'm just a moody sob anyway. haha.

this weekend is my bday though, so i'll be out drinkin', actin' the fool and chasin' skirts... 'cause you know how i do.

hope to see you out.
any plans(for your b-day)????.....Chris M. is going to be in town on Fri

Why can't i request your friendship.?