The weekend was great. The beautiful weather helped.

Friday night I hit the dance floor. My friend just renovated his club and I went out to check it out--of course a lot of the old kids were there and we partied into the wee hours. Oh, and I visited my friend Marilyn at the stripclub as well. She's my new entertainment.

Saturday I went to...
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heya... I just got your request...... so ehh why me?
I feel like shite. I reconnected with some old friends last night, which was great. But somehow I ended up getting really down on myself. Hopefully it passes before the weekend.
Thanx for adding me! kiss
I hope you feel better.
I'm sending the stuff out tmrw, sorry it took so long.
Sometimes reminiscing with old friends brings you back to places you thought were gone all together. whatever
Much love, and feel better... kiss
It is rainy here. But it is more of a spring rain than a winter one, so it feels good. I'm feeling lazy as a result of it. Pretty soon everyone is going to start feeling randy and wear less clothing.

I'm re-reading Heidegger's Being and Time. I like reading him even though I can't stand the philosophy.

My guitar player wants to move the...
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Dealing with an ex is hell. whatever
Oompa Oompa music.. hahaha...
I keep hearing about Lush. There is a store in the mall I go to, but I never went in.

What things do you recommend? I should buy some items before I go back to georgia permanently.
I went to Chapelle's movie Block Party last night. It was, of course, funny but also really touching. goddamn it is nice to see something that isn't rotten.

I'm something like hungover. But it is sort of vague. I think I made myself moody somehow. It hasn't happened for a while, but when it does it usually lasts for a while. Ennui, it isn't just...
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i can't wait to see that.
yup yup smile
I'm glad I'm cool atm
I think I found an Audi I want. Unfortunately, it is blue. But I can probably live with that.

My only other goal today is to watch Bend it Like Beckham at work. I hear it is not a good movie, but it still has to be better than working.

I'm going drinking with my ex gf this Thursday. Not a good idea, but we've...
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Never saw Bend it like Beckham. It was originally supposed to have a romance between the two women players- but the director changed it at the last minute.
It wouldn't have made as much money if they had decided to leave it that way I guess.
But I certainly would have seen it by now if they had. Oh well.

Yeah- the ass is definitely worth the trouble. I think. lol

I couldn't drive a Camry either. What the hell do I know anyway. I have an Eclipse blackeyed
i hate it when that happens.
the weekend was exhausting. i finally finished my book and am looking for something new to read. . . i went to my favorite restuarant last night and had a 20 oz tenderloin on the bone. ok, by 'had,' i mean ordered. sometimes i can finish it. then i saw a good friend up from Chicago who was visiting. i met her new boyfriend. he...
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I remember I was talking to this guy who was begging to take me out to dinner. He told me he drove an Audi and it got him alot off ass, but it was kinda high-maintenance. So he traded it in for a Camry. confused
I got sorta drunk, went grocery shopping and ate Popeye's chicken. I'm heading to Milwaukee to buy a pair of shoes.
I can hook you up with some free samples of the men's line via "snail mail" if you want... smile
umm popeye's. I eat the shrimp there.
Thanks for the comments/advice. I decided to write a very nice letter back. Hopefully, it is all smoothed over. Liz is a drama queen. And she is sort of an awful bitch. But she also has good qualities, which I recognize. I just wish my friend hadn't put me in that position at all. I feel taddled on. But that's all so yesterday now. ....
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oh my holy shit wow hello

I went to the strip club last night. I hadn't been in a loooong time. I might have been fed a few too many shots. I'm still drunk.

I have a lunch meeting. I already had coffee and I'm still boozy.

I asked an ex-gfriend to hang out later this week. She's fun, so it would be nice to...
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Hmm.. sounds like a drama queen to me.
She's just trying to be honest. It's nice to see people who try to step out from behind the subterfuge and fakeness that can become humanity. On the other hand she could still be a total bitch, but an honest bitch. Meh what do I know. I would go with it, in a manly way, of course. You don't have to say anything, just buy her a drink the next time you see her.

You didn't ask for advice but I gave it to you anyway, so there. tongue
Happy Mardi Gras. I'm spending my early evening at a consulting firm open house. It involves alcohol, so I figured I could do something that both has to do with my job and schmooz as well as entertaining. Later, I was supposed to go out with some models up from Chicago, but I don't feel like it. It sounded fun, but now sounds le boring....
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The weekend was good. I went to see a friend dj on Friday night. Then Saturday I went out to dinner and saw a fun band. Sunday I saw my dad, which was good. Except it was late night in Spring Green and there was nowhere to eat except an old supper club called Arthur's. Wretched. Their 'filet mignon' was a hamburger on white bread....
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I adore that film.
I was sick yesterday. I stayed in bed and watched The Piano Teacher. Fucked-up/hot.

I nearly broke my nose. I was drinking with the New Pornographers, late, and somehow got my nose bashed on someone's head. Luckily, no bleeding, no black eye.

The weekend cometh. I'm going to my dad's concert on Sunday. We haven't spoken in over two years. I decided we might as...
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I hope you are feeling better.

Thanks for becoming my friend.
I would love to hear more about you.
Good idea to talk to your dad. That reminded me I should have a chat with mine before I move away. Oh well- next time.

I can't imagine what having a near-broken or broken nose would feel like. Ouch surreal