I feel you. Except with sex and my iPhone. Nothing serious like crack or opiates. But I guess you'd just have to take stock of what you have, and what you paid to an addiction. If the "cost" isn't covering the "profit", then you really need to make a choice. And it's always the very worst just before it gets better. And it always works out.
its just the stress getting to you i think, sometimes i have the same problem with eating, its good for me though cause im fat so i get to shed some rolls. and what a coincidence about the poop thing i get the same sound. fuck maybe i am a woman (never mind i just checked, still a guy) anyway just push on through and it will get better in time this is just lifes down part soon it will be up again.
o and at the 54 second mark that bitch scared me with her face from hell it was like 1/8 of a second of straight exorcist shit.
Alrighty then! Truthfully though, your blog is quite beautiful. Sad... alone... but true. It pretty much summerizes the first 20 years or so of my life. I'm going to make sure I read more of what comes out of that remarkable brains of yours.
lol yeah...icould notresist it. i also jerked it on the front porch while watching the neighbor across the street take down his halloween decorations lol
Oh.... I thought maybe you was being a lil weird for a minute there friend.. Or wait, your not taking about walking around naked at the zoo teasin the animals while their all trying to chill then are you??
Not quite sure if that'd make me sad even just a teeny tiny bit, or just make me laugh.
At :56 she looks like fucking Quasimodo.