-cchhhsschh- Reporting in! -schhccshhcc-

I've been so busy this semester. Senior year in Computer Graphics is no cake walk!
Instead of typing stuff up, I'm just going to picture spam you!

I've recently obtained an iPhone 4, so if you're on instagram you should follow me as I liveblog my life. I'm xxxenadu on there. I'm also very active on twitter.
Once this semester is over I'm hoping to shoot another set over winter break! I just need to get in contact with some photographers and find out their availability. If you know someone, hook a girl up?

I've been so busy this semester. Senior year in Computer Graphics is no cake walk!
Instead of typing stuff up, I'm just going to picture spam you!

I've recently obtained an iPhone 4, so if you're on instagram you should follow me as I liveblog my life. I'm xxxenadu on there. I'm also very active on twitter.
Once this semester is over I'm hoping to shoot another set over winter break! I just need to get in contact with some photographers and find out their availability. If you know someone, hook a girl up?
Oh man, that cup cake looks amazing...now I want cake
Cake in a mug! Best instant junk food ever.