Hi folks a couple of weeks have passed since I got the news and few plans have already been put together. In November Damon is coming to rAdelaide and we are going to ride the Mawson Trail. This is a 900km trail that heads north through the Flinders ranges. It should take around two weeks to complete. This is going to be a trial run...
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It has been a while since my first blog. It would seem that I still just have trouble putting my shit out there for others see. But there have been some big things happening that I thought I should throw out there (plus some friendly nagging from kindly strangers who think I should blog more). So heres the latest...
Today I was made redundant. Well...
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I'm sorry to hear that! A lot of people I know have been in fear of losing their jobs and some just lost them so I know how tough it is. I think it is a great chance to start something totally new! I vote for either traveling or becoming a scuba diving instructor or both at once! smile If you travel and stick by large bodies of water, you could instruct for a couple of months in all sorts of different places! I'm pretty excited for you, to be honest. It sounds like you could have a really awesome adventure or at least a really cool new job. And if you travel, can you please stop by to visit the US so you can teach me how to scuba dive? I would love to learn! And please keep me updated on what happens and what decisions you make, trust yourself to know what you want out of life smile It will all be alright in the end, and if it isn't, then it isn't the end wink Best of luck!- Vivere
I'm pretty keen on the diving instructor option. Its possibly my number 1 favourite thing to do. I'll be cycle touring Africa for most of 2013, so i'll lots of time to think it through. I'd love to come visit but you seem to live on entirely the wrong side of the continent smile I'll probably be going to the east coast (vancouver) in December and january. But the west coast is so far away. And aren't you land locked in Pennsylvania? So you'll need to come visit me to dive smile