It's my first time writing here so I decided to write about myself.A sort of introduction,if you will.
I moved to Norway from Portugal 4 years ago.It was the best decision of my life!I was lost and and feeling hopeless for a very long time, stuck in a bad job and dealing with bulimia since I was 12.I quit high school even tough I had excellent grades and gave into depression.Also had a fucked up relationship that almost killed me.But everything got life is not all about drama!:)
Found a really cool job here in Norway as a waitress.Loved my job and my co-workers became my family.Soon,I was a manager in the restaurant.That gave me dreams and aspirations so I decided to go back to school.But first, I learned the Norwegian language and,trust me, it is as difficult as it sounds!Passed the exam and applied to adult school.I am now in the first year of 2.I will go to university and study Social Anthropology.It feels really good to do it now.I dealt with my issues,I am so much stronger...and I am having really good grades again!:)
Currently, I am not working due to disease.After years of neglecting my body, I was ready for consequences.Two weeks ago,after a year (!) of not knowing what is wrong,they finally gave me a diagnostic. I have something called Graves Disease,an auto-immune sickness.It is not as grim as it sounds and I will be fine.Some medication and radiotherapy,that's it.Of course, it sucks balls,feeling tired all the time and all but I am not going to feel victimized or whatever.Shit happens and I survived a lot of stuff.This is not going to stop me.
I have really good friends and an amazing boyfriend.That helps me a lot.<3
If you want to talk about a difficult time,need a friend or just want me to tell you bad jokes (I am the queen of dry jokes!) ,send me a message.It would be great to talk to you!