Sorry I'm late...
So yeah, Happy Hollidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc. I have been super busy getting ready for Christmas. The kids had a great time, it's really fun when your kids are young enough to still believe in Santa and everything.
I've also been really busy because my wife had a tummy tuck on 12/18 and I've had to help her with pretty much everything since then. She's getting better day by day and it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. For anyone reading who didn't know, my wife had gastric bypass surgery about 11 years ago and has been wanting to get some loose skin removed from her stomach for years. This all happened before I knew her, but I know it's important to her. So we were in a position to be able to have it done so we did. She is very happy with it so far and once the swelling goes down it should only get better. She's also been planning on getting a boob job, we have it scheduled for early February, but are switching doctors and going with the woman who did the tummy tuck. My wife is more comfortable with her now that she has seen her work.
Well, I hope everyone had/is having a great holiday. Hopefully I'll be able to be on her more regularly to interact with everyone. That's something I really miss about the site, it used to be a real community. I realize it probably still is, but I'm just not going to the right places and not being active enough myself. Or everyone has just given up because they don't like the new format. Or they're all on facebook and only stopping by here for the pics. I hope that's not the case because I really don't like facebook. I had one (although I never remember signing up for it) and I've since gotten rid of it.
Hmm, well that turned into more a rant than I was hoping for, lol. Again, hope everyone is doing well and I hope to be back soon.