finally watched sex and the city!!!!!!!!! whoohoo!!! its been so hard not watching spoilers and reading up about it. lol but brian bought it for me yesterday when it came out. 
im so tired......soo sooooo tired.
im craving all kinds of food....none of which i can have until after the birth, and its getting hard....cos my appetitite has increased these last few days but im...
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im so tired......soo sooooo tired.
im craving all kinds of food....none of which i can have until after the birth, and its getting hard....cos my appetitite has increased these last few days but im...
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Any type of eating schedule frustrates me, good luck sticking to it.
thank you for your kind words.
much congrats to _Zeus_!!
she had her absolutley adorbale baby girl on the thursday and in so over the moon for her.
her due date was a day before it really shows how close i could be!
she had her absolutley adorbale baby girl on the thursday and in so over the moon for her.
her due date was a day before it really shows how close i could be!
I'm feeling the anticipation, all the way in Chicago!

WTF? Why am i in your crazy dream?
I can't believe that you are so close to having the baby already - seems like yesterday you were telling us you were pregnant
Hope all goes well - let us know the minute you pop

Hope all goes well - let us know the minute you pop

It wasnt really too bad, not much forked lightning, just the stuff where the whole sky lights up. I hate it when I can see the lightning stiking somewhere close, that scares me, but if its in the distance it doesnt bother me. Must be because I grew up in the hountains where we had storms all the time, really violent ones too...
Think you will be going into labour soon? I keep checking to see if either of you update about going to the hospital

Think you will be going into labour soon? I keep checking to see if either of you update about going to the hospital

i bought a packet of chocolate hobnobs for after ive given birth and have to stay in hosptial.
i cant wait!
ive listened to sooooo much music these last few days its unreal.....almost non stop. all different kinds too, i love a variation mix its the best!
brians lost more weight, im really proud of him, hes done this healthy eating thing right alongside me,...
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ive listened to sooooo much music these last few days its unreal.....almost non stop. all different kinds too, i love a variation mix its the best!
brians lost more weight, im really proud of him, hes done this healthy eating thing right alongside me,...
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when we broke up, i kind of went.....well.....psycho for about a month, i didn't want to lose her. So i am fearing of being deemed a psycho by calling.
What are some of the bands that you have been listening to?
Well that is why he is a good boyfriend, I would hope that if I was married and she wanted to eat health that I would at least try to.
That is pretty amazing, I'm proud of you.
I think she should be there at the birth, I think that should be part of her job.
Well when you love some one you will go out of your way and do things that you do not want to do to make sure that they are happy.
Well that is why he is a good boyfriend, I would hope that if I was married and she wanted to eat health that I would at least try to.
That is pretty amazing, I'm proud of you.
I think she should be there at the birth, I think that should be part of her job.
Well when you love some one you will go out of your way and do things that you do not want to do to make sure that they are happy.
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. When we were at the zoo last week I picked up a toy for Louis
Its a little plush koala hand puppet, I'll post it once Ive got together some more goodies for him, and for you

I was 6lbs! I was tiny til I was eleven then I grew up and up til I was 5 foot 7 and everything was right with the world!
this makes my heart feel all mushy and it makes me have faith in us as a human race
he saved the cat.....and he and the other firefighters saved loads of other animals too, including frogs, a ferret, and other cats and dogs. some died though
but they certainly tried their best to save them all and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy...
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he saved the cat.....and he and the other firefighters saved loads of other animals too, including frogs, a ferret, and other cats and dogs. some died though

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Well seeing as the show was today it is already over, but there really was no way, first off I had no where to stay, 2nd off Lexington was 3 hrs away and the most import thing was that one of the people that was with me will be fired is he misses one more day of work, I can still miss like 3 before I'm fired so I could have missed if I had a place to stay but he could not. It really makes me mad that I didn't get to see them live and it makes me made the way they handled it, I don't see why they didn't get generators and have the show, hell a place like that should own some just in care that kind of shit happened.
OMG I love what you've done to Louis room with the canvas' and the scan pictures - so cool. I think I actually squeaked when i saw the snow leopard outfit, so adorable! Oh oh if you go to a supermarket you'll be able to get him a halloween costume, i keep trying to buy them but pete won't let me as we don't have a baby yet
Come on baby show your face!!!

Come on baby show your face!!!
im am now a group owner.
please feel free to join if you have either experianced still birth or miscarriage, or if you knew someone who once did, or if you are just a friend who wants people to talk to about their own friend.
men and women are welcome, dont be shy.
im exited about this......i think i can be good at it....
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please feel free to join if you have either experianced still birth or miscarriage, or if you knew someone who once did, or if you are just a friend who wants people to talk to about their own friend.
men and women are welcome, dont be shy.
im exited about this......i think i can be good at it....
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That's a good reason

Haha, not at all - I hate her too
I really love Australia Zoo, they do so much for wildlife concervation, the exhibits are huge and nothing is ridiculously expensive. So much better than any other zoos here.

I really love Australia Zoo, they do so much for wildlife concervation, the exhibits are huge and nothing is ridiculously expensive. So much better than any other zoos here.
I'm just happy to see Louis growing through these pictures, and knowing that his loving parents await him. 

Your belly is so CUTE!!!

ok so i did the video....but i look like shit...and sound like shit....and i just cant embarress myself that much by putting it up here.
so im 35 weeks now....and a couple of days so well on my way to 36 weeks....very scary. i really feel like things have changed certainly feeling like i cant wait for the light at the end of the...
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so im 35 weeks now....and a couple of days so well on my way to 36 weeks....very scary. i really feel like things have changed certainly feeling like i cant wait for the light at the end of the...
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Yeah I love the my group is active... I wish I owned more ha ha
I bet you look just fine!
And as far as pictures go, it took me this long to find ONE I actually like. Just gotta give it time. Hehe.
And as far as pictures go, it took me this long to find ONE I actually like. Just gotta give it time. Hehe.
todays blog is a simple messege.
too many people are going through shitty times, having bad relationships, trouble with their family, health problems, or just feeling shit.
amongst all this, quite often, we blame ourselves.....or look too closely at our faults. but everyone has faults and flaws.
this song is my messege.
lyrics are :
Don't you dig this life
They call the meek
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too many people are going through shitty times, having bad relationships, trouble with their family, health problems, or just feeling shit.
amongst all this, quite often, we blame ourselves.....or look too closely at our faults. but everyone has faults and flaws.
this song is my messege.
lyrics are :
Don't you dig this life
They call the meek
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I hope things get better for everyone very soon, I think it is politicks that are getting people down, it is the man trying to keep us down, I guess we all just need to stick together.
That is a pretty good song.
That is a pretty good song.
How are you? Has Lewis made an appearance yet?
great news!!!!!!
fluid level is totally normal
his weight is well within the lines of what he should be, so hes not an elephant!!
and he is still head down!!
everything on the whole is great, im so relieved. and we got a great scan picture of his face.
i did make a video but ill put...
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great news!!!!!!
fluid level is totally normal

his weight is well within the lines of what he should be, so hes not an elephant!!

and he is still head down!!

everything on the whole is great, im so relieved. and we got a great scan picture of his face.
i did make a video but ill put...
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I don't know, I used to have a pic of it in my pics folders, but I deleted them all ages ago - thanks to an asshole cousin of mine who found me on here and reported everything he read back to my mother
Those cookies look good, I want cookies

Those cookies look good, I want cookies

Oh my god, look at his cute little face.
His little button nose.
And that's just an ultrasound.
His little button nose.
And that's just an ultrasound.
me thinks louis is head down.....keep your fingers crossed he will stay head down guys!! i dont need one more thing to add onto all the other things that make it possible that ill have to have a c section.
i got the all important scan tommorow, that will tell me if the fliud situaiton is any better, and how big he is now. it...
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i got the all important scan tommorow, that will tell me if the fliud situaiton is any better, and how big he is now. it...
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good luck with everything!
Well like everyone else I also hope that you don't need a C-section.
There is still plenty of time for him to get his head right.
But don't be afraid if that is how Louis comes into your life.
After all of the Natural Childbirth stuff my daughters mother and I did,
she was too big for the pelvic opening. When we learned that, it was
a disappointment but we had a planned C-sec instead of an
emergency one after failed labor. It was easier on both of them.
The plus will be that you'll still be tight.
Best wishes.
There is still plenty of time for him to get his head right.
But don't be afraid if that is how Louis comes into your life.
After all of the Natural Childbirth stuff my daughters mother and I did,
she was too big for the pelvic opening. When we learned that, it was
a disappointment but we had a planned C-sec instead of an
emergency one after failed labor. It was easier on both of them.
The plus will be that you'll still be tight.
Best wishes.