I must say once again, for the good of humankind:
That SGKC set rocks my socks off. I love those girls, they are friggin' sweethearts, and having them represent KC is just absolutely bomb. I loved meeting Jill, Sophie, and Texas (at the El T nonetheless), and hope to do it again. ♥
I did something SO awesome today you'll never guess.
I went to...
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That SGKC set rocks my socks off. I love those girls, they are friggin' sweethearts, and having them represent KC is just absolutely bomb. I loved meeting Jill, Sophie, and Texas (at the El T nonetheless), and hope to do it again. ♥
I did something SO awesome today you'll never guess.
I went to...
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One comment:
That is so my favourite set evah.
More tomorrow, the laptop isn't connecting to the internet, but my friend Brad let me use his so I could check SG...and THANK GOD HE DID.
That is so my favourite set evah.

More tomorrow, the laptop isn't connecting to the internet, but my friend Brad let me use his so I could check SG...and THANK GOD HE DID.

thanks so much for the sweet comment on our set!!
it was a blast shooting it!

it was a blast shooting it!
SGKC, represent!
New profile picture for meeeeee.
Finally got some of my pictures off of my camera today while I was at my dad's. I got my USB cable, but I forgot to find the software to download onto the laptop. Damn. I'll get it next time I'm over there.
Wine and cheese party was a FABULOUS success. It turned into an all-out drunkfest after awhile,...
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Finally got some of my pictures off of my camera today while I was at my dad's. I got my USB cable, but I forgot to find the software to download onto the laptop. Damn. I'll get it next time I'm over there.
Wine and cheese party was a FABULOUS success. It turned into an all-out drunkfest after awhile,...
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thank you for the sweet words on my set

bottle feeding her?
i had to do that with a kitten and it was so cute!
i had to do that with a kitten and it was so cute!
Wow, it's been a few days. Crikey. I hate it when I miss updating for a few days, though it's quite a boost to see 17 comments on your journal.
Tonight I'm going over to my friend Brad's house. He lives in Mission Hills, which means he has a mansion. Woohoo.
We're having a ghetto-style wine and cheese party. My friend Jenny is bringing...
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Tonight I'm going over to my friend Brad's house. He lives in Mission Hills, which means he has a mansion. Woohoo.
We're having a ghetto-style wine and cheese party. My friend Jenny is bringing...
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Yes we will be getting together soon. Don't you worry Are you going to the Slipknot show?
happy easter!
So I'm sitting here being all rad by myself on St. Patty's. Oh yeah. I have some Irish Whiskey to help me celebrate.
I'm also wearing my brand new Aqua Teen shirt (god, I fucking LOVE this thing).
And I'm sporting a brand new hairdo. Oh yes. I got it cut to chin level with razorcut ends. It's rad.
AND I have a brand new...
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I'm also wearing my brand new Aqua Teen shirt (god, I fucking LOVE this thing).
And I'm sporting a brand new hairdo. Oh yes. I got it cut to chin level with razorcut ends. It's rad.
AND I have a brand new...
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good luck on the hair dye!
my hair's overdue for a cut. i want a funky fauxhawk -anime style type deal ...someday ~
my hair's overdue for a cut. i want a funky fauxhawk -anime style type deal ...someday ~
hey hey! i went to the hurricane on saturday...but i didn't see you...what time did you go?
I have tomorrow off, and other than possibly trying to catch Sunni at work and maybe meeting tinsoldier and miserydeathtrip at Buzzard Beach, I have nada to do tomorrow. I'm not sure if meeting TS and MDT is going to work, though, because I don't know what time they're meeting up, and I HATE HATE HATE trying to find a parking spot in Westport...
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I have tomorrow off, and other than possibly trying to catch Sunni at work and maybe meeting tinsoldier and miserydeathtrip at Buzzard Beach, I have nada to do tomorrow. I'm not sure if meeting TS and MDT is going to work, though, because I don't know what time they're meeting up, and I HATE HATE HATE trying to find a parking spot in Westport...
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i know a secret parking spot. if you're meeting close to johnny dare's, go down past the japanese restuarant. you should go about a block and hit a hotel. hang right on the street right next to the hotel and park in the small employee parking lot there that nobody checks.
I'm not complaining about a cutie chiming in.

A little survey-thingie, since I never post these here...heehee.
last cigarette: Right now, word.
last kiss: Smooches with my friend Jesse last night.
last good cry: Like...two weeks ago?
last movie seen: Robots.
last cuss word uttered: "Fucking fat bastard..."
last beverage drank: Water, before that, apple juice. ♥
last food consumed: Momma's chicken on rice with cheese.
last crush: A friend of mine from...
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last cigarette: Right now, word.
last kiss: Smooches with my friend Jesse last night.
last good cry: Like...two weeks ago?
last movie seen: Robots.
last cuss word uttered: "Fucking fat bastard..."
last beverage drank: Water, before that, apple juice. ♥
last food consumed: Momma's chicken on rice with cheese.
last crush: A friend of mine from...
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That's awesome. You should post some pictures.
last cigarette: five minutes ago
last kiss: embarrassingly long time ago
last good cry: i dunno. it's been years.
last movie seen: Saving Silverman!!!
last cuss word uttered: "fucking retard"
last beverage drank: pepsi
last food consumed: mac and cheese
last crush: which one?
Last time showered: about four hours ago
last shoes worn: combat boots
last cd played: i'm all iPod
last annoyance: roommate stuff
last disappointment: i stepped in mud
last soda drank: ....pepsi
last thing written: pepsi
last words spoken: "fucking retard"
last IM: my roommate
last time amused: the roommate argument
last time wanting to die: couple of years ago. the cry time i guess
last time in love: almost a year ago now
last time hugged: a little over three months ago
yes Boston rocks! i think everyone in the world got to see that concert except for me. even some bastards here in Iraq with me! at Sandstone!
last kiss: embarrassingly long time ago
last good cry: i dunno. it's been years.
last movie seen: Saving Silverman!!!
last cuss word uttered: "fucking retard"
last beverage drank: pepsi
last food consumed: mac and cheese
last crush: which one?
Last time showered: about four hours ago
last shoes worn: combat boots
last cd played: i'm all iPod
last annoyance: roommate stuff
last disappointment: i stepped in mud
last soda drank: ....pepsi
last thing written: pepsi
last words spoken: "fucking retard"
last IM: my roommate
last time amused: the roommate argument
last time wanting to die: couple of years ago. the cry time i guess
last time in love: almost a year ago now
last time hugged: a little over three months ago
yes Boston rocks! i think everyone in the world got to see that concert except for me. even some bastards here in Iraq with me! at Sandstone!
*has a musicgasm*
I've been listening to so much music today, happiness abounds!
Let's see...been listening to Electric Six (thank you, Fenchurch!!!), Modest Mouse, Louis XIV, old Marilyn Manson (aah, memories!), Black Eyed Peas, and Lil Jon. Hahah. I am SO random.
Also, I went out to a European bistro earlier for lunch and got a gourmet turkey, bacon, and avacado sandwich. BOMB!!!! So...
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I've been listening to so much music today, happiness abounds!
Let's see...been listening to Electric Six (thank you, Fenchurch!!!), Modest Mouse, Louis XIV, old Marilyn Manson (aah, memories!), Black Eyed Peas, and Lil Jon. Hahah. I am SO random.
Also, I went out to a European bistro earlier for lunch and got a gourmet turkey, bacon, and avacado sandwich. BOMB!!!! So...
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you on aim right now? you got names down but i haven't ever seen you on
I was wondering since you live here and you were on my friends list. I have a horrid memory so I wasn't sure.
Thanks for all the comments wishing me better, everyone! It definately helped.
I've been sleeping for the past two days, pretty much nonstop...damn me for thinking I'm still fifteen and I can stay up all night. Haha. So far from the truth. Every time I try to do it I'm sorely disappointed and end up sleeping for far too long afterward. I was supposed to...
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I've been sleeping for the past two days, pretty much nonstop...damn me for thinking I'm still fifteen and I can stay up all night. Haha. So far from the truth. Every time I try to do it I'm sorely disappointed and end up sleeping for far too long afterward. I was supposed to...
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There is a whole B movie story to go with the Thursday night Nude Hawaii deal. All the photos are Here and I swear I didn't know what was visible when I was photographing the bumper sticker on her butt - but that's OK.
Probably going to the doctor today, having felt like I'd been thrown down the stairs and unable to get a decent night's sleep. Everything aches, chills and sweats, maybe it's malaria
Probably going to the doctor today, having felt like I'd been thrown down the stairs and unable to get a decent night's sleep. Everything aches, chills and sweats, maybe it's malaria

I couldn't even stay up all night even when I was fifteen. I think I was born old or something.
I am sick, yet again! I hate frickin' winter with a passion. Not only am I severely cold ALL the damned time, but as soon as it starts to get warm again, I get sick. Usually five or six times in a row over a few months.
Last week I was sick on Friday and Saturday, so I got on antibiotics. I haven't...
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I am sick, yet again! I hate frickin' winter with a passion. Not only am I severely cold ALL the damned time, but as soon as it starts to get warm again, I get sick. Usually five or six times in a row over a few months.
Last week I was sick on Friday and Saturday, so I got on antibiotics. I haven't...
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Just thought I'd say hey, and I hope you get feeling better
Bah...I too am under the sickness...I have Bronchitis and on my Spring Break too...No fun...Hope you are feeling better!
Me = sleep.
enjoy the seemingly mathematical sleep. and, hey, august is farther away, but it's more in the middle of the deployment. i'd rather that go down than me go back home after only two months then come back for the long haul. we'll defenitely hang!
guess who's sitting at their house right now all bored and lonesome? me!
...you didn't forget about me did you? that would be the saddest thing ever...
call me, write me, whatever, k?

guess who's sitting at their house right now all bored and lonesome? me!

...you didn't forget about me did you? that would be the saddest thing ever...
call me, write me, whatever, k?
Whoooo! I have been horrible about updating lately. I've been working quite a bit for the last few days after being sick...I have a nine hour shift tomorrow, bleh.
For the past hour, I've been watching the 'Retarded Animal Babies" flash series on
Newgrounds. It's under the Mature (18+) section, in cartoons. Funny, funny stuff. I highly suggest everyone here check it out immediately....
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For the past hour, I've been watching the 'Retarded Animal Babies" flash series on
Newgrounds. It's under the Mature (18+) section, in cartoons. Funny, funny stuff. I highly suggest everyone here check it out immediately....
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my sister? She's doing about 1/3 or Kansas City Kansas's residents right about now. *Shudders*
Wait wait wait...which Ryan?
And I'd love to hang out with you in westport if we didn't have to the Crappy Bars tour. Johnny Dares? For shame.
Wait wait wait...which Ryan?
And I'd love to hang out with you in westport if we didn't have to the Crappy Bars tour. Johnny Dares? For shame.
Westport is a fun area.
I wish I could get around there more often.

God I haven't been to Chuck E. Cheese in years. That brings back memories.
Library jobs are the bomb. A friend works at one of them (forget which, one of the Johnson County branches) and she enjoys it other then the fact that she's officially only part time but sometimes has to work more then 40 hours but doesn't get overtime. But if you get the job we can be fellow government employees. Which is sounds more lame the more I think about it, so forget I said that.