Holy shit can I just say that SGNY fucking rocks? Yesh I think I can.
Had an awesome time. I'm probably the only lame ass that missed out on the Burlesque show but was still at the Knitting Factory. I probably wouldn't have seen anything anyway because I'm only 5'2 standing in a crowd of tall ass people. But after party was
Thanks skryche & vyeselph. You guys are hardcore sweet for having me.
I'm at work. Which sucks because I didn't get much sleep. Lucky bastards that get to sleep in today.
It is a beautiful day out and I am missing it being stuck in here. Me and kupoking got the short end of the stick. He's at work too. Bleh.
I am so tired I barely have the strength to push down on the keys. Gaaah!
Tell me something why is it when I say something is on the lower level people always ask So that's down stairs?
What the fuck does lower mean asshat?
I'm bitchy I'm cranky I want to go home.
Anyway it was fucking super

meeting and hanging with y'all folks last night. Next time I'll remember to think ahead and either take the day off or just bloody call in sick.

Had an awesome time. I'm probably the only lame ass that missed out on the Burlesque show but was still at the Knitting Factory. I probably wouldn't have seen anything anyway because I'm only 5'2 standing in a crowd of tall ass people. But after party was

Thanks skryche & vyeselph. You guys are hardcore sweet for having me.
I'm at work. Which sucks because I didn't get much sleep. Lucky bastards that get to sleep in today.
It is a beautiful day out and I am missing it being stuck in here. Me and kupoking got the short end of the stick. He's at work too. Bleh.
I am so tired I barely have the strength to push down on the keys. Gaaah!
Tell me something why is it when I say something is on the lower level people always ask So that's down stairs?
What the fuck does lower mean asshat?
I'm bitchy I'm cranky I want to go home.
Anyway it was fucking super

hope to see you again at the next one