I can't believe that it's been a week since I last updated my journal. This is the problem with having 5 different journals to update. Some get left behind at times.
I wrote a short.
The Morning After
I opened my eyes and looked up at a ceiling that I didnt recognize. It was hovering very close to me and I thought I had to be drunk, why would the ceiling be so close?
I sat up slowly hoping not to interrupt the snores next to me. I looked around and found nothing familiar about the room, about the pale legs the stuck out from beneath the sheets or about the arm that disappeared over the edge of the bed.
I gathered my clothes tucking them under my arm and made a mad dash for the bathroom praying to God my bare ass hadnt been seen. I softly closed the door and dropped my clothes on the floor. My legs buckled beside the porcelain bowl then I hacked my nights sins into the bottom.
I washed my mouth out in the rusting sink. This was hell. This was where you go when you lust without remorse. You end up in the bathroom trapped by the snore in the other room and the bathroom window that is not wide enough to fit womanly hips.
I quickly got dressed making sure to hold off putting on my shoes. I slowly opened the door and began to do the Pink Panther sneak out of the room. Something made me look back to find that the snoring ruckus was no longer there. The bed was empty. Hell just got hotter. I would have to face my forgotten night romp. I tried squeezing a name out of my brain. A name would help.
Oh God Oh God
Im pretty sure that is not his name.
I opened the door and found the living room empty as well. I quickly made my way to the door and saw a note tacked to it.
There is coffee in the kitchen and croissants on the counter. Im in the den if you want to say hi instead of sneaking out.
Calling me Sweets made me think that he most likely didnt remember my name either.
Coffee and croissants in the den or should I hit the Starbucks that is two blocks away from my home?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It looks like it might be harder for me so lurk around SG in the future. I work in a library and the are planning on implimenting new software that will block patrons from coming in and looking at porn on the internet. Then if it is successful this software with be added to the staff computers as well.
So this might mean two bad things for me. (1) I may not be able to update my personal site. I've been told that some people can not view my site from their jobs. That doesn't make any sense to me since I don't have porn on my site. The occasional tittie pic or rauchy talk but nothing that would be deemed porn.
(2) I won't be able to go to SG.
What a fucking pain in the ass.
How's he diet going? you ask.
I haven't lost any weight this week. But that is my own damned fault. I needed some comfort so I headed over to my friendly neighborhood supermarket and bought I huge bag of Spicier Doritos, vanilla Jello pudding cups and some other crap I can't remember.
I got two weeks though. I hope that I will lose the 6 pounds I have left. Got to fit into my hoochie mama outfit! And I have a party to go to three days after my birthday. It is a priests and whores dress up. Got to fit into another hoochie mama outfit. So got to be trim and tight. If I was fucking bulimic this would be so much easier. Noooo I have to be one of those that likes to keep all the food she eats on the inside.
I wrote a short.
The Morning After
I opened my eyes and looked up at a ceiling that I didnt recognize. It was hovering very close to me and I thought I had to be drunk, why would the ceiling be so close?
I sat up slowly hoping not to interrupt the snores next to me. I looked around and found nothing familiar about the room, about the pale legs the stuck out from beneath the sheets or about the arm that disappeared over the edge of the bed.
I gathered my clothes tucking them under my arm and made a mad dash for the bathroom praying to God my bare ass hadnt been seen. I softly closed the door and dropped my clothes on the floor. My legs buckled beside the porcelain bowl then I hacked my nights sins into the bottom.
I washed my mouth out in the rusting sink. This was hell. This was where you go when you lust without remorse. You end up in the bathroom trapped by the snore in the other room and the bathroom window that is not wide enough to fit womanly hips.
I quickly got dressed making sure to hold off putting on my shoes. I slowly opened the door and began to do the Pink Panther sneak out of the room. Something made me look back to find that the snoring ruckus was no longer there. The bed was empty. Hell just got hotter. I would have to face my forgotten night romp. I tried squeezing a name out of my brain. A name would help.
Oh God Oh God
Im pretty sure that is not his name.
I opened the door and found the living room empty as well. I quickly made my way to the door and saw a note tacked to it.
There is coffee in the kitchen and croissants on the counter. Im in the den if you want to say hi instead of sneaking out.
Calling me Sweets made me think that he most likely didnt remember my name either.
Coffee and croissants in the den or should I hit the Starbucks that is two blocks away from my home?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It looks like it might be harder for me so lurk around SG in the future. I work in a library and the are planning on implimenting new software that will block patrons from coming in and looking at porn on the internet. Then if it is successful this software with be added to the staff computers as well.
So this might mean two bad things for me. (1) I may not be able to update my personal site. I've been told that some people can not view my site from their jobs. That doesn't make any sense to me since I don't have porn on my site. The occasional tittie pic or rauchy talk but nothing that would be deemed porn.
(2) I won't be able to go to SG.
What a fucking pain in the ass.
How's he diet going? you ask.
I haven't lost any weight this week. But that is my own damned fault. I needed some comfort so I headed over to my friendly neighborhood supermarket and bought I huge bag of Spicier Doritos, vanilla Jello pudding cups and some other crap I can't remember.
I got two weeks though. I hope that I will lose the 6 pounds I have left. Got to fit into my hoochie mama outfit! And I have a party to go to three days after my birthday. It is a priests and whores dress up. Got to fit into another hoochie mama outfit. So got to be trim and tight. If I was fucking bulimic this would be so much easier. Noooo I have to be one of those that likes to keep all the food she eats on the inside.

Hey, isn't losing weight more of a long-term thing? One week is a very short amount of time...