This post will probably make no sense to anyone. It barely makes sense to me.
I'm in a strange mood today. I'm feeling some sadness about things that aren't nearly as important as the good things that are going on in my life. The most important good thing is that i'm optimistic about the future after not feeling this way for much too long.
I have new people in my life that i'm very happy about. I know what I want and am determined, with the love and support of that special someone, as well as all of you, to reach my goals. Yet, as I write this, my mind is cluttered with negative tthoughts that are meaningless compared to all the good things i'm feeling.
Knowing myself as I do, i'm prone to writing things that I end up regretting having written within an hour after posting it when i'm in this kind of mood. This time it's going to be different. I'm going to talk about writing things i'd regret instead of actually writing them. Now that i've done that, i'd better stop typing before saying any more.
Is anyone with me here? I hope so, because i'm not sure what this excercize was all about.
One thing I do know. I appreciate all of you being in my life. Thanks.
I'm in a strange mood today. I'm feeling some sadness about things that aren't nearly as important as the good things that are going on in my life. The most important good thing is that i'm optimistic about the future after not feeling this way for much too long.
I have new people in my life that i'm very happy about. I know what I want and am determined, with the love and support of that special someone, as well as all of you, to reach my goals. Yet, as I write this, my mind is cluttered with negative tthoughts that are meaningless compared to all the good things i'm feeling.
Knowing myself as I do, i'm prone to writing things that I end up regretting having written within an hour after posting it when i'm in this kind of mood. This time it's going to be different. I'm going to talk about writing things i'd regret instead of actually writing them. Now that i've done that, i'd better stop typing before saying any more.
Is anyone with me here? I hope so, because i'm not sure what this excercize was all about.
One thing I do know. I appreciate all of you being in my life. Thanks.
When the days comes and you click on my page and you see a reactivate this account message ... then you will know I have gone. 

Makes sense to me. Instead of bitching about stuff you'll have to recant later, you are expressing your need to change and grow. It think its a good thing.