I think I agree with my classmates saying it's really mean to have weeks of no classes and then be made to go to lectures every day of the last week before the break.
We're doing a big assignment revolving around arts funding proposals. It is certainly something we'll need to learn about for when we leave the school, and the lectures are kinda interesting, but it's almost like taking a business paper - with words like financial position, market and budget.
(it's hard to believe I once thought I could ever be a businessman
) But then, I suppose those words are relatively common in circles involving money, so we'd better get used to it.
Our replacement screenplay tutor Alan is a lot younger than I thought he'd be. And quite attractive actually - and I say that in a totally hetero-man-can-appreciate-the-attractiveness-of-another-man kinda way. He sounds like a nice guy to work with.
I really want to move on to writing my short film! But we have to get this first play out of the way first. I need to be writing another draft...
We're doing a big assignment revolving around arts funding proposals. It is certainly something we'll need to learn about for when we leave the school, and the lectures are kinda interesting, but it's almost like taking a business paper - with words like financial position, market and budget.
Our replacement screenplay tutor Alan is a lot younger than I thought he'd be. And quite attractive actually - and I say that in a totally hetero-man-can-appreciate-the-attractiveness-of-another-man kinda way. He sounds like a nice guy to work with.
I really want to move on to writing my short film! But we have to get this first play out of the way first. I need to be writing another draft...
Now I'm not in school any more. When I was, I worked full time while I attended school full time. It was hard, but there was no other way to do. I have been working 2 jobs now, which I suppose is similar ... but all I keep getting when I read your post is: He had classes off for a few weeks? Oh man, if I could have weeks off for ANY PART of my life, I would be so happy! And probably equally bitter when they insisted they come back again.
Well, as far as the kidnapping goes ... you know one of us is lying. Okay, okay ... both of us.