ugh, i'm so fucking sick. i feel like death.

but of course i'm sitting here drinking a beck's knowingt full well that i'm going to this party tonight. i'm so responsible.

i finally have money, i returned my textbooks today because it's possible... jessica ...may.... have used her job at kinko's to photocopy my books for free so that i could return them and not...
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I SAW THAT BOY IN YOUR BED... i think your cheating too... your ring just got smaller tongue

[Edited on Sep 19, 2004 12:56AM]
haha right... smile now im going ot have to go shopping again for another right.. i wonder whats the smallest diamon i can buy biggrin
so much stuff to do.
and soooo poor. i'd like a job where i can spontaneously burst into dance.
the cats are being insane chasing each other around the house.
i had a dream we had a weiner dog puppy. i was so sad to wake up and realize we didn't. if anyone would like to get me a puppy, i will love you forever....
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what was your name before? this always confuses me because then i draw a complete blank
well let me know when you're out here sweetie, i may be getting a job downtown, so maybe we can go out and play one day- discuss our days that made us broken, and how we are stronger now becuz of them (at least sometimes).
thank you for the sweet words- i need all the encouragement i can get.
so on monday's and wednesday's i have like 4 hours to kill in between classes. so i was channel surfing and i came across an episode of mad tv on comedy central and the musical guest was......BUSH. i kid you not, i started giggling and swooning like i was 13 all over again. gavin rossdale, i heart you forever. love
I miss chi town. I know I haven't been around in a while. Just wanted to say hello. I have one of my oh so famous entries, stop by and say hello somtime. PEACE. Jase ooo aaa
so we decided to reschedule the party which is nice because it means i don't have to spend money i don't have on alcohol. i'm so bad at finances. someone needs to just handle all that for me. so i'm not constantly poor. haha.

shaun called last night so i fell asleep happy. he turns me into such a girly girl!

school has started again....
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hahaha, ah men.

i talked to michael today, he has a bra that may or may not be mine. he's not sure. that makes me feel very not special.

richie was fucking like 6 other girls while with me, always nice to learn.

i only want to be with shaun but he's in chicago and we never even get a chance to talk.

all reasons...
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awe, everyone's birthday wishes are so sweet. making me blush and smile! i got a new camera so i've been taking killer pictures. and i'm on my way out, so i shall be drunk and happy i hope.

moment of silence for the baby, please.

i love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy birthday!
i feel like singing
Happy Birthday good-lookin' .... make it a crazy one and then tell us about your escapades ... kiss
holy shit! it's your fucking birthday!!!111one...

i love you and miss you so fucking much. please have the best damn birthday ever. a birthday for the queen of hearts. kiss
so my parents currently have a strong dislike for me because i'm crazy. i guess my dad found a picture of the red star tattoos that fell out of my stuff when i was packing and he fucking flipped out. and told me he doesn't give a shit about our relationship. so i called my mom because she's usually more willing to try and understand...
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well boys and girls, tomorrow we move into our new house, so who knows when i'll have internet again. this may be the last time you hear from me for a few weeks. i don't know what i'm going to do, probably go to the library and hop on the computer to get my fill of hot naked chicks.

chicago was a good time, it...
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