Airports are fun! I get to fly to Winnipeg in like 5 days, and I have to hang out in the airport for like 4 hours before my ride comes to pick me up. I'm a people-watcher. I enjoy just watching people. And what better place to do it than an airport. People coming and going, all the time. People standing, walking, sometimes running....sitting, waiting, wishing. (haha...that last part is a Jack Johnson song. He's awesome, by the way). But yeah. Airports are fun for that. I'm excited.
And don't call me creepy. You know you all do it to. I think everybody's a people-watcher, deep down inside.
And don't call me creepy. You know you all do it to. I think everybody's a people-watcher, deep down inside.

i'm a big time people watcher.....and i'm not afraid to admit it!
I was kinda copying myself. I took this photo for photo class last fall. It's on film and developed by me in the darkroom. The only photo I ever printed right on the first try. Still got an A though, haha.