So now I've had a few days to let my new, drastic change of plans settle in a little. I've tested the waters for how I really feel about it, and I think I'm more enthusiastic than I have been for a very long time. I feel giddy. That sounds pretty fucking dorky, I know, but I think that's the best way of putting it. Of course I'm nervous. The Special Forces Selection and training process has a 70% attrition rate. But i can't fail. I just have to succeed at this. I'll try over and over if I have to. Mainly I'm really looking forward to the challenge, and to see where exactly it will take me. All I know is that I am more than ready for a new beginning. I have learned a lot from some very serious mistakes, mistakes that I will be learning from and feeling for some time to come. Maybe I can get things right this time.
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 22, 2008
My knee gave out 4 days into Special Forces Selection. I'm fucked. -
Monday Sep 01, 2008
Well, at least some things were maid much clearer to me tonight. I w… -
Thursday Aug 28, 2008
I wish I had had much much more to drink tonight. Much more. I think … -
Thursday Aug 28, 2008
I miss Iraq sometimes. Not because it's a great place, and not becau… -
Thursday Aug 28, 2008
I constantly feel like I'm running out of time. There's far too much … -
Monday Aug 25, 2008
I was just watching some "planet earth". The world is so unspeakably … -
Thursday Aug 21, 2008
I feel like I have something I need to get out of my system, somethin… -
Monday Aug 18, 2008
Wow...I just went over the past 8 months of my blogs. I can't believe… -
Friday Aug 15, 2008
Finally...a positive note in life. I got my Subaru Forester Sport XT … -
Friday Aug 01, 2008
I did it again. Lost a blog by clicking something else. Makes me pret…
well i'm sure you've heard it before and i'll say it again... we all make mistakes. and remembering why we made them will help us to avoid the same problems.
i don't know... the way i see it, is if i'm making mistakes, at least i'm learning...
its when you keep on repeating the same mistakes that you got a problem
how come one of you albums isn't there anymore??? i'm sure there were more pics...
chin up!
LOL here's one of those videos of the silly sailors if you can watch it.....