My head's a mess. I've been so sure that I just wanted to get the hell out of the army. The only reason I'd ever want to stay in was to go Special Forces, and i had decided not to. Now I'm not so sure. If I do though, I'd have to end up extending my contract by about 4 years. I can't figure out whether it's worth it. Not to mention that if I were to fail for whatever reason, I'd end up back in the big army, which must NOT happen. I either take a big risk to realize my dream, or cut my losses and settle for private sector. This is frustratingly difficult.
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 22, 2008
My knee gave out 4 days into Special Forces Selection. I'm fucked. -
Monday Sep 01, 2008
Well, at least some things were maid much clearer to me tonight. I w… -
Thursday Aug 28, 2008
I wish I had had much much more to drink tonight. Much more. I think … -
Thursday Aug 28, 2008
I miss Iraq sometimes. Not because it's a great place, and not becau… -
Thursday Aug 28, 2008
I constantly feel like I'm running out of time. There's far too much … -
Monday Aug 25, 2008
I was just watching some "planet earth". The world is so unspeakably … -
Thursday Aug 21, 2008
I feel like I have something I need to get out of my system, somethin… -
Monday Aug 18, 2008
Wow...I just went over the past 8 months of my blogs. I can't believe… -
Friday Aug 15, 2008
Finally...a positive note in life. I got my Subaru Forester Sport XT … -
Friday Aug 01, 2008
I did it again. Lost a blog by clicking something else. Makes me pret…