I've been browsing through groups and threads, mainly in the noob section, hoping to make new friends. I'm so new at this, it's almost embarrassing. I hope it's not creepy of me to just submit friend requests, I'm not really familiar with the etiquette involved in online social networking. I just really want to get to know new, interesting people. My life is about to enter a drastic phase of change, and it feels like I need to try to reach out for once and make new friends. I would die for some of my brothers in arms, but the fact is that I tend to have very little in common with most of my "friends" from the military. The bonds created in the military and in "combat" are deep through shared experience,hardship, joy, excitement....but in general I still feel like the perpetual outsider that doesn't fit in, that never has and never will. I guess not knowing where you're from or where you're going will do that. And I think that's led me to be somewhat socially impaired. Now I thinks it's time to try to change that.
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 22, 2008
My knee gave out 4 days into Special Forces Selection. I'm fucked. -
Monday Sep 01, 2008
Well, at least some things were maid much clearer to me tonight. I w… -
Thursday Aug 28, 2008
I wish I had had much much more to drink tonight. Much more. I think … -
Thursday Aug 28, 2008
I miss Iraq sometimes. Not because it's a great place, and not becau… -
Thursday Aug 28, 2008
I constantly feel like I'm running out of time. There's far too much … -
Monday Aug 25, 2008
I was just watching some "planet earth". The world is so unspeakably … -
Thursday Aug 21, 2008
I feel like I have something I need to get out of my system, somethin… -
Monday Aug 18, 2008
Wow...I just went over the past 8 months of my blogs. I can't believe… -
Friday Aug 15, 2008
Finally...a positive note in life. I got my Subaru Forester Sport XT … -
Friday Aug 01, 2008
I did it again. Lost a blog by clicking something else. Makes me pret…