I am getting out of town for a few days. This is a good thing. I have been feeling a bit trapped. I think that is one of the reasons I keep feeling a bit down lately. I really want to get a fresh start. Move some place new, sell off most of my stuff and pay off a lot of bills. That way I can get just a regular job so that I can pay rent and my car payment. Something anonymous that requires no prior skill and has no expectation. But I know I can't. I have to be a grown up now. I have obligations. I have a business to run, a mortgage to pay, a future for which to prepare. I have been very lucky in my life to be as young as I am and have so much success and freedom in my career choices, but sometimes I hate eveything that comes along with that. It isn't really like I have a lot of extra money because frankly I seemed to have more spending money when I was a college student. I just get tired of being a grown up sometimes. So this weekend I am going to be completely irresponsible. I am going to drink and smoke myself silly with my best friend and her hubby. I am sure that it won't solve everything, but maybe it will give me enough of a break from reality that I will be refreshed.
Ok kids, I am off. Don't get into too much trouble while I am gone.
Ok kids, I am off. Don't get into too much trouble while I am gone.
I noticed your psuedonym in a thread in the PSW group, and got really curious, because 1) 10/27 is my birthday, and I guessed it might be yours too, and 2) I was raised in the town of Woodstock, NY. So I just had to ask.
Thanks! And I hope your days off were joyful and rejuvinating!